"The only Veils which now remain---separating you from that which you fear, or that which seems to elude you--are those you have chosen to keep in place. If you don't believe this, then you are doubly fortified against awakening from your Dream at this time. First, you believe in the chains that bind you. Second, you give over your power to someone else, someone you firmly believe keeps the chains there. That energy places a DOUBLE LOCK on the door of your cell.
The Earth Plane is no longer a prison, my friends! It is a now PRISM of diversity and possibility, there at your command. All you need to get anything you wish is present within you now. Just wipe away the cobwebs from your mind so you can clearly see the path that is laying itself before you.
And it will come, in time. It always does. There is no one left to condemn you. Those who appear to do so are simply reflections of the condemnations you still hold about yourself. They are demons, standing guard over a prison door that has no ceiling or walls! Just step out and you're free.
Go inside yourself. All the answers are there. The 3D Worlds continue to exist, and will continue to exist so that you can appreciate and explore the QUESTIONS for as long as you wish. The life you are living (or rather the LIVES you are living, for there are many) have already come to fruition, somewhere in the Multiverse. Your current Journey here involves a deep need, on your part, to understand the reasons for all these choices you have made........to understand the very framework of what it means to be human and alive.
So go! Run away and play! It's all there for you to enjoy...........the horror, the wonder, the awe, and the awfulness. Go ahead. Drink your full cup of living. Sometimes, you will opt for bitter wine. Sometimes, you will opt for sweet. Both Heaven and Hell are there for your instruction, for your amusement. They are merely slides, placed under the 3D Microscope of Experience.........examined thoroughly, for as long as you desire, and then returned to the archives of All That Is.
The only question, to which you will continually return, is: "Is this still what I want?" And instantly, with the asking (if it is sincere and forthright), there will be an automatic adjustment to whatever reality context you currently inhabit..
<From The Reconnections>

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