September 06, 2008

Who Is The Inner Critic?

Who Is This Inner Critic?

The Inner Critic, the Censor, the Committee, the Judge, Monkey Mind – these are just a few of the names for that voice in our heads that decides to speak up just when we are about to embark on a new challenge. It judges our work, our new projects and ideas, and provides a running commentary or critique on most every action we take.

You know this voice. When you sit down to write, it will tell you that you can’t even spell. When you start a new job it tells you that you made a mistake to take the job in the first place. It may tell you that you are way out of your league at this job. Or when you are giving a presentation, everyone in the room seems to be smarter, richer and better than you are. It suggests that you just don’t have the skills to take on that new project. It loves to remind you that true artists are born with a gift, and somehow you managed to be absent from the school of life the day they handed out these special gifts.

In Buddhist texts, Monkey Mind is described as a self-criticizing aspect of our mind that swings us from doubt, to worry, and back to doubt. This chatter gets loudest when we threaten to change the status quo – even if the status quo is something we long to leave behind. This voice is concerned with survival, logic, solving problems and being sensible.

There are ways to live in peace with this part of us:

- we can notice the inner chatter and do the task at hand anyway,
- we can step away from logic for a moment and try a different approach,
- we can free up the energy we use listening to this voice by choosing to focus on our dreams and goals,
- we can re-program the way we think about this part of our brain.

Julia Cameron in The Artist’s Way has a variety of exercises that deal with the Censor. And Maria Nemeth in The Energy of Money has extensive information and exercises for the Monkey Mind. The most important action we can take in making peace with this side of ourselves is: recognize that this voice is not who you are. It doesn’t come from your inner core or true self.

A way to re-program our thinking about this part of our brain is to accept that it does serve a function. Survival and problem solving are part of its job.
In A Whack on the Side of the Head: How You Can Be More Creative, Roger Von Oech states that there are four roles to the creative process:

Your Explorer
is your role for searching for new
information and resources;
Your Artist
is your role for turning these
resources into new ideas;
Your Judge
is your role for evaluating the merits of an idea
and deciding what to do with it; and,
Your Warrior
is your role for carrying your idea into wing pains" is associated with growth? You can and will succeed if you recognize that fear is only a part of the growth process. It is not the end result of the process.

- Take a moment to remember specific times and areas in your life where you have succeeded. Make an accomplishment list. It is a great reminder that have you succeeded with challenges in the past and have the ability to succeed in this current situation as well.

- Challenge the negative self-talk. Ask yourself: Does this thought contribute to my stress? Where did I learn this thought? Is this a logical thought? Is this thought true? Once you become aware of a negative thought pattern, you can confront the thought, challenge the logic and replace the thoughts with a kinder and a more gentle way of thinking that will move you forward on your personal path.

- Write a worse case scenario. What is the worst thing that could possibly happen if you were to take on this new challenge? Give yourself 20 minutes or half an hour and play the negative tape all the way through. Have fun with the worry. Get it all out into the open. Once you reach the end of the time that you've allocated for yourself -- that's it, no more. What usually happens when we "play the tape through" is that we notice that things aren't as terrible as our minds have imagined them to be.

- People make mistakes they aren't mistakes. There is the possibility you might fail or make a mistake when you try something new. One way to guarantee that you won’t move forward in your life is by not be willing to let yourself make mistakes. When Thomas Edison was working on the light bulb he had one failure after another during the process. He said to critics who commented about all the times it appeared he had failed with his invention: "I've simply eliminated twenty-seven ways that don't work." Breakdowns can lead to breakthroughs.

- Thank the Inner Critic for sharing its opinion about the challenge or situation and take action anyway.

by: Lea Brandenburg
www. creatingstrategies. com

August 22, 2008

Paths To A Beautiful Life!

Christian D Larson
Influential early New Thought leader

Christian D. Larson was an outstanding and highly influential early New Thought leader and teacher as well as a prolific writer of New Thought books who believed that people have tremendous latent powers, which could be harnessed for success with the proper attitude...


We have believed for a long time, and with good reason, that life could be everything that we have hoped for; even as fair and wonderful as what we have seen when thinking was deep and clear; and we now feel that such a life is a definite possibility

We are learning to expand our concepts of truth and of life as a whole; and so we are able to discern the way. Then, as we proceed, we discover, to our amazement, that life in the real is so large and so immensely rich that we will need eternity to live it all... This discovery is inspiring to a high degree-- But what are the methods and the principles that we should apply so that we may continue to go forward upon this remarkable road? That is what we all are eager to know

First, recognize the great truth that you have the ability to live your own life exactly as you may desire to live-- You are the real master of your own existence and you, yourself, may determine how beautiful that existence is to be

Your life is in your own hands. You may live as you wish... You may secure from life whatever you desire, because there is no limit to life, and no limit to your capacity to live-- The elements of life can be modified, changed, developed and perfected to comply with your own supreme demand; the increase of life can be realized in the exact measure of your largest need; you are in living touch with Infinite life, and there is neither limit nor end to the source of your supply

To live in the constant recognition of this great truth, is to rise continually into higher and higher degrees of that mastery of life that gives you the power to live your life according to your most perfect ideals... To reach the goal that every ascending mind has in view, this truth, therefore, must ever be recognized and applied-- It is one of those principles that you shall always require, no matter how high you may rise in the scale of divine being

You invariably receive what you desire, no more, no less-- You get what you wish for if the power within that wish is as strong as you can make it

The fact that you can have an ideal, proves that you have the power to secure it... The fact that you can formulate and appreciate a desire for something larger and better, proves that you can fulfill that desire-- The great essential is to desire with the whole heart; that is, to give your desires all the life and power that you can possibly arouse from the depths of invincible being

The true desire and the true prayer are synonymous-- The true prayer is invariably some immensely strong desire expressed when your human mind feels the sublime touch of the Infinite mind; and the true desire must be in perfect touch with Infinite life in order to be filled with the invincible power of that life

To cause every wish to come true, you must express all the power of mind and soul through every wish; but you cannot give expression to all the power within you until you awaken your spiritual nature, and you cannot awaken your spiritual nature until you begin to live with the Infinite-- The largeness and immensity of the supreme spiritual life within you comes forth only as consciousness is spiritualized, and you gain spiritual consciousness by living and thinking constantly in the lofty state where you actually feel that God is closer than breathing, nearer than hands and feet

We cannot desire too much, and when we desire with all the life and power that is within us, our desires shall positively be fulfilled-- The wish must be whole-hearted, not half-hearted; it must contain all the power we have, not simply the limited actions - shallow thinking; and it must contain soul, not simply emotion, but that deep, spiritual feeling that touches the very spirit of limitless life and power

Have faith in God, have faith in humanity, have faith in yourself, have faith in everything; and have faith in faith. When you have confidence in yourself you arouse everything that is stronger, greater and superior in yourself... In consequence, the more confidence you have in yourself, the more you will attain and accomplish-- But the power of self-confidence is but an atom in comparison with the marvelous power of faith

Faith takes mind and soul into the greater realms of life... It goes out upon the boundless, and awakens those interior spiritual forces that have the power to do anything-- This is why all things become possible when you have faith

It is the nature of faith to break bounds; to transcend limitations, and take life, thought and action into the universal. It is the nature of faith to unite the lesser with the greater, to unite your individual mind with the mind of God... Therefore, you shall always require faith; however far you may go into the greater, the superior and the boundless today, faith will take you farther still to-morrow-- And that is your purpose; to realize your largest and dearest desires in the present, and then press on to the realization of other and far greater desires in the future

Depend upon the superior spiritual self within for results, and give this greater Essence the credit for everything you accomplish-- When you depend upon the personal self, you place yourself in touch only with the lesser forces on the surface; you therefore will accomplish but little; but when you depend upon the supreme spiritual self, you place yourself in touch with the greater powers within, and results will be greater in proportion

When you give credit to the personal self, you ignore the interior spiritual self; you thereby fail to secure that greater wisdom and power that the spiritual self alone can supply.... Instead of being led by that inner light that knows, you are led by the confusion of outer thought; you are turned away from the path that leads to truth, freedom and the perfect life, and your mistakes are many-- Instead of being taken into the current of that invincible life that can carry you through to your very highest goal, you remain in the hands of mere physical energy, that energy that can do nothing more than simply keep your body alive

Whenever you accomplish something worth while, and give the praise to your own outer personal self, you immediately lose your hold on those powers through which those results were gained; in consequence, failure will begin, and you will have to retrace all your former steps to again gain possession of that power that can do whatever you may wish to have done

To constantly depend upon the greater self, to constantly expect the desired results from the greater self, and to always give credit to the greater self, is to constantly draw upon the limitless wisdom and power of the greater self – the supreme spiritual self within you... You thereby become larger and stronger in all the elements of your being, rising ever in the scale, gaining ground perpetually, and passing from victory to victory-- What you desire you will receive because higher power is working through you, and as you ascend in the scale, there is nothing that you will not attain and accomplish

The principal cause of failure among those who are trying to live in harmony with real truth, may be found in the general tendency to think of the outer person as the power that does things on the visible plane... But it is the interior spiritual person that gives the power, though the outer person is required to apply it-- And the more thought we give to the interior person, the more life and power we bring forth from within

The interior person is the true self, created in the image and likeness of God; it is therefore evident that when you begin to live with the life and the power of the interior person, the expression of real greatness and real spirituality will begin-- And from that moment you will not be limited to the power of the personal self; instead you will fill the personal self with that divine power from on high that is limitless, inexhaustible and invincible

Live for a great purpose, and hold the central idea of that purpose constantly before mind. Do not live for the mere sake of prolonging existence; live for something that magnifies, on the largest possible scale, all the elements of existence. To live for a great purpose is to live a great life, and the greater your life, the greater the good that you will receive from life...
The ruling desire of every living soul is to have life, and have it more abundantly; therefore, to fulfill that desire we must continue perpetually to live for that which produces more life-- No matter how rich we may become in the real, spiritual life, here is a principle that we must ever remember and apply

Do not work for yourself; work for the great idea that stands at the apex of your greatest purpose... The greater the idea for which you work, the greater will be your work; and it is he who does the greatest work that does the most for everybody, himself included-- When your work is great you become a great power for good among thousands, and at the same time you do more for yourself than you could possibly do in any other manner

When you begin to live and work for a great purpose, you get into the current of great forces, great minds and great souls-- You gain from every source; -all the powerful lives in the world will work with you; you become a living part of that movement in the world that determines the greater destiny of humanity; you become one of the chief elements upon which will depend the future of countless generations yet to be; you become one of the chosen of the Most High

To live for a great purpose is to live in the world of great ideas, and great ideas awaken great thoughts
You are as you think-- Great thoughts produce great minds; from great minds proceed great works, and great works constitute the building material with which the kingdom upon earth is to be constructed

When you begin to live for a great and good purpose, you place in action that law that causes all things to work together for good- Henceforth, nothing is in vain; every person, thing or event that comes into your world will add to the welfare, the richness and the beauty of that world-- All things become ministers of the life that is real life, you have been giving your best everywhere, and you are receiving the best from every source in return

To live for that which is high, lofty and sublime, is to walk with God; the love, the life, the power and the wisdom of the Infinite will ever be with you, and to have such companions is to be blessed indeed-- Every moment will give you the peace that passes understanding, every hour will be filled with the joy everlasting, and every day will be as a thousand years in celestial kingdoms on high

July 31, 2008

Managing Emotional Responses with NLP

Managing Emotional Responses with NLP

bJules Collingwood NLP Trainer

Contrary to popular belief, NLP is not a therapy, although therapy practitioners who use it get spectacular results. It is not a sales training programme, yet sales people who use it also get spectacular results. It is not a personal development medium, yet personal developers who use it get spectacular results too. And it is not a suitable subject for home study. It works too well to be safe in the hands of the untrained, and is best learned with experienced and qualified NLP trainers. Would you attempt to learn scuba diving from a book, or from your neighbour who did a week end course in the local swimming pool? This article offers insight into one of our cultural assumptions and ways, using NLP information, to learn to manage it ourselves.

NLP studies how we put our thoughts together, how we know what we know and how we construct our own experiences. And yes, our own subjective experiences are different from everyone else's. And everyone else's experiences are different from each others'. All of our thoughts, emotions, memories and imaginings are made from pictures, sounds and sensations. The differences between our common experiences come from the myriad sequences and placings we can make with sounds and pictures and sensations and in the choice of subject matter that attracts our attention.

Many people in the west find it easy to see their mental pictures and the rest can be taught quite easily. Everyone makes mental pictures; it is just that some people have not yet learned to notice them. Think about your own mental pictures of something you enjoy, for a moment. Are they coloured or black and white, still or moving, are they close to you or far away, large or small, portrait, landscape or wraparound? Which parts are in focus? Are you watching the scene as if it were live, or are you watching yourself in it, as if on video?

These are examples of how we can do the same thing differently from each other. You can change the meaning of an experience by changing one of these options. If you have chosen something you enjoy, find out what happens if you bring the picture closer to you, or make it bigger. You can move mental pictures simply by intending to do so. If you like the result, keep it. Otherwise put it back as it was and find out what happens if you intensify the colour. Make one change at a time. And remember to put it back the way it was between each change. If you find one or more changes that you like better than the original, keep them. Be careful to keep track of the changes you make to your pictures. If you do anything that you do not like, reverse it immediately. Ensure you finish with an experience at least as pleasant as when you began.

For most westerners, pictures are the easiest sensory representation to notice and alter deliberately. You can learn to make similar alterations to the sounds you hear and the sensations you feel just as easily. Move sounds from where they are to another location; changing the speed, the tones, the volume, as if you had a sophisticated mixing desk. You can increase or decrease the intensity of sensations, change the texture, heat them up or cool them down, slow the rhythm or speed it up, move them around, make them bigger or smaller or disappear completely.

You may have noticed that if you change a picture in one specific way, the sound and feeling change too, or if you change a particular aspect of the sound, the picture and feeling shift simultaneously. These are known as 'drivers'. You will also have found that other elements change alone. Finding your particular driver differences is a quick way into your least easily accessed system (sight, hearing or feeling). For example, if your picture is moderately exciting, and it felt more exciting when you made it bigger, you changed the sensations by changing the picture. If your picture were fuzzy and it had distorted sound and scratchy sensations, would the picture come into focus if you clarified the sound and could the sensations become smooth through changing the sound?

There is a commonly held belief in western society that sensation cannot be changed at will and neither can emotion. There is a related myth that anyone who can change their emotions is faking, shallow, uncaring, or untrustworthy, unenlightened, repressed or 'not ready' to be 'authentic'. Most cultures believe that one system (sight, hearing and feeling) is outside their control, but not all find feeling the most difficult. For example, Native American culture has a reputation for changing feelings and sensations with facility.

For Native Americans, visible mental pictures are equated with visions from their gods, and therefore given religious significance. The Sun Dance and Vision Quest rituals are specifically designed to heighten the chance of mental pictures becoming visible. Both rituals involve the initiate in extreme discomfort to a level that most westerners would find unacceptable. For Native Americans the pain control they practice during these rituals shifts their attention and alters their mental state sufficiently for them to see pictures. It works by overloading their preferred system (feeling) for normal purposes so that they have to do something else; in this case, see. As the ritual is framed as religious or spiritual, it is culturally encouraged for them to see mental pictures in that context.

The western equivalent is the personal development market, bungy jumping, adventure training, drug use and religious ritual. Westerners rate peak experiences by the intensity of sensation they experience at the time whether the vehicle is secular or religious. Some call it emotion, but the structure of emotion is ... pictures, sounds and sensations, and the most convincing of these in the west is sensation.

The ability to feel what we want to, when we want to is a very useful skill. It frees us from the expense of seeking repeated peak experiences. One exposure is sufficient to use as the beginning of a personal library. After that you can alter it, intensify it, customise it in any number of ways by playing with the pictures, sounds and feelings that first went with it. Or you can build your library from scratch, using attractive bits of ordinary pleasure and enhancing and mixing them to your liking. The way in, as described above, is through pictures and sounds. Simply remember a pleasing occasion and make it big, bright, life-like, and maybe slightly slower. Step into it and turn up the sensations. Through practice you can increase your facility with sensation and learn to turn it up and down directly.

The next stage is literally managing emotion. There are two immediate ways of doing this. The first is good for neutralising unwanted emotional responses. If you are laughing at a funeral, crying at work or angry with an innocent person, to neutralise any of them, move the picture a long way from you, or shrink it down to the size of a postage stamp. You can always come back to it later if you want to regardless of what is in it. Make it small enough, or distant enough and for most people it will become less intense.

To invoke a particular emotion you want to display, remember or imagine a time when you would do that, and make a big, bright, close picture. Then step into it. This is great for thanking a special person for an awful present, or for producing remorse when you break someone's favourite ornament that you have hated for years. Have you ever wished you could be more patient when training a child or an animal? Do you want to say 'No' to someone and mean it? Find a picture in your memory that has the quality of emotion you want. Make it big, close, bright and life-like, and a suitable state will follow.

The second way to manage emotion involves the feeling more directly. Leslie Cameron Bandler lists seven changeable parts to any emotion in her book 'The Emotional Hostage'. These include rhythm, tempo, intensity, time frame, and personal involvement. Like the changes we made to pictures at the beginning of this article, Cameron-Bandler suggests making similar changes to the feeling of emotions to change them directly. For example, anxiety commonly has a fast, uneven rhythm, and is always concerned with the future. If you slow down the rhythm to an even 120 beats per minute, the feeling changes to something more comfortable. If you imagine being in a time after the event, anxiety vanishes. Remember a previous occasion when you were anxious about something and how much less alarming the event was in retrospect.

Guilt and shame require personal involvement. Guilt happens if you offend someone else's values and it matters to you. Shame happens if you offend your own values, without recognising the more important value that you kept. If you imagine you are back before the event, there is no guilt or shame, because you have not done the deed yet. Alternatively you can reduce the intensity and change the rhythm. You may discover that you acted on another value of your own, or that you made a mistake. Mistakes are feedback to learn from. The consequences may be sad or irreversible, but they can become acceptable if you can consider them. For any emotion that you want to change, take the most obvious feature and alter it. Find out what happens. To enhance an emotion, take a feature and increase it. You may build a peak experience all by yourself. Wouldn't that be something?

July 24, 2008

EGO--The False Self


Ego - The False Self

What is ego? I'm not going to define it or debate it, I am going to tell you outright what ego is: ego is the false self we build up from the day we are born. It is a character, or a persona if you will. It is not "real" or "legit" or "authentic"....

Let me explain...

When you are born, you are innocent, trusting, requiring nothing more than love, nurturing, and care. As you grow up, your family, eventually your school and friends and society around you, help you to shape your personality...

Imagine for a moment, that you grew up completely differently than you did. Imagine you were rich, if you grew up poor, or that you were black if you are white or Asian or Latino. Imagine that your childhood was completely different than it was in your memory, and then ask yourself "Would my personality be the same?"...

Of course not. There would be different factors, status-wise, heritage and culturally, societal. You would be a completely different person on the "inside" if your outside circumstances were different than they had been for you...

So now come back to you - who you believe yourself to be. You can probably define yourself in a few words or statements, such as "I am strong" or "I am compassionate" or "I am depressed", right? You can sum up your personality, your persona and character. This is because you have finely tuned, honed and perfected your persona as the years have gone by. You have been told by family and friends "you are so funny!" and so you continue to be funny. Or you were told in school "you have a learning disability" so you continue to perpetuate that disability upon yourself. You may have been told "you are ugly" by someone in the past, and that has sat eating at your confidence for years later...

All of these things, these definitions and labels, are nothing more than collected information of a "past you" which is not real. The past is gone. So should be the "you" who you identified yourself being in that past. Hold on to the memories, for they are part of your whole heritage in this lifetime, however, let yourself be liberated of the stereotypes, labels, and stigmas...

The Spirit - the truth of who you Are, is God. The Universe. Oneness. Essence. Light. Call "it" what you will, but in the grandest scheme of all things - you are the only One of you there is. Beyond your mind. Beyond your identity...

When you realize that the ego is nothing more than a collection of responses, insecurities, fears, and doubts, you can then easily shed it, watch it fall away and reveal the true Self. The ego is a character in a play - the true self is the Author...

It is natural to identify with your personality, in fact I was quite attached to mine for a very long time, having an internal struggle of faith based on my fear of letting my identity go. But I eventually realized, I am not letting go any of the beauty I love about "my Self"... rather I am stripping away the false layers of ego (pain) by revealing the truth of Self - One...

Ego will fight to remain as you...

Ego is nothing more than a tool - created at a very early age to help you relate and identify in your human body - conditioned by all around you to behave the way it now does. And when you really grasp within your heart that it is not "real", it will rebel. That is a wonderful thing to move through, because it gives you opportunity after opportunity to re-align your thoughts to those of your truth, and to put ego in it's place - which is nowhere...

Ego is not real. It is a character on stage. Nothing more. Scripted - and scripts can be re-written...

Let the Author be the star on the stage ..

As for the ego of other people - you can not change them. You can only accept that they are letting the character on stage call the shots, and you can love them for being lost in the illusion of the performance, and you can see within them a reflection of yourself...

Because we are all One outside of the ego game...

I hope this is helpful to anyone who is reading it...

With much Love,

awakeningstarseeds. com

July 22, 2008





Don't waste your life. Whether you're just starting out, or nearing the finish line, don't waste your life. It's a gift, a possibility, that deserves to be released into the world. It's a responsibility, an obligation, that demands to be met head on.

There's a thousand reasons not to live, to exist without being you:

The danger of trying to attain a dream and failing, of finding out you couldn't, rather than protecting your self-image with infinite postponement;

loyalty to those who are not in touch with your soul and its imperatives; the desire not to disappoint, offend, or let down the unenlightened;

ideals of self-sacrifice, nobility knocked off course; sometimes fear disguised as nobility, a palatable excuse for hiding from yourself;

fear of rejection, misunderstanding, opposition, hatred, jealousy, ostracism or harm; fear of being trampled underneath the social stampede, drowned in the sea of the beaten multitudes which have been conditioned to pour over any reminder of their own surrender, to wash anyone still left fighting; fear of doing something different, of catching the eye of the hunting lion and being singled out from the rest of the herd;

a dread of the stress of standing on the mountain top - what if you fall, what if someone wants to throw you off?; the ease of living "below yourself", of betraying the soul that no one else has peered into, by pretending its purpose is not there, that you, too, were meant for nothing, born to waste away in the arms of frivolous pursuits; the comfort of vanishing into utter passivity, of accepting someone else's existential priorities and justifications for living so that you will not encounter social resistance or be challenged to carve out your own place of meaning in the chaos; the exhalation of everything you are, in order to be less; "letting it go", sometimes disguised as wisdom.

Don't waste your life!

A thousand reasons not to be you cannot stand up to a single reason to be you.

Don't deny the fabric of reality the color that you can bring. Others need the beauty you can manifest; and sometimes, they need you to step on their toes. People rise to new heights when others don't bow down to them. Don't discount the little ways and perhaps the great ways you can make the world better; and don't undervalue the importance of your happiness: the kind of happiness that is not anxious with evasion and flight, as it tries to cover over abandoned parts of yourself, but the kind of happiness that is rich and fulfilling with the knowledge that it grows from who you are; the kind of happiness that resonates with your soul, that both motivates and rewards.

Don't crush the pieces of your ego that you need to do your soul's work, the little bits of self-indulgence that can give birth to a mountain range, or put a star to see by into the sightless wall of the night. Don't cut yourself off from the joy that feeds the greatest triumphs of human energy; don't freeze the vulnerability that drives you, the trace of self-absorption that builds the temple of concentration where creators of beauty and usefulness worship (even so, don't be afraid to be not useful); don't surrender ambition to enlightenment, unless you have truly become a Buddha. (There is nowhere more dangerous to be than the place that is one notch below enlightenment.)

Don't make excuses for surrendering to the power of the generic life. You are unique. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise. Don't throw away what you were meant to bring!

Don't waste your life!

In his 1996 bestseller, The Soul's Code, psychologist James Hillman seeks to legitimize the concept of a "soul purpose" or a "soul mission" within the context of modern-day psychology. He seeks to transplant the idea of "personal destiny" from spiritual and mystical realms into the realm of Western materialist thought, and to enrich the idea that who we are is but the product of nature (genetics) and nurture (our environment), with the idea that we come into the world with a sort of cosmic quality that both defines us and gives us a unique life purpose.

We are not mere offshoots of our parents' DNA and child-rearing techniques, but beings far more deeply connected to the Universe than that, who come through our parents and forbears, but whose ultimate reality is not determined by them. For Hillman, the mainstream psychological paradigm teaches us to fixate on our relation with our family, at times to turn ourselves into permanent victims of our upbringing; trapped in endless replays of our childhood dramas, and self-limited by them, we distract ourselves from greater callings, shut ourselves off from the potential of forces that are greater and beyond what was done to us. To heal, to be free, to spread our wings, we need to be conscious of those other powers that have shaped us, to find them and reenergize our lives with them.

To wield this concept, Hillman returns to the ancient Greek word "daimon", which refers to a kind of spiritual "soul-companion", or driving force that links the individual with his destiny, leading him towards the place where he fits into the cosmic order; you could consider the daimon to be a form of inner mystical knowledge of one's capabilities and the openings which exist for those capabilities in the world; an ability seeking a matching need that pushes the individual along through life towards where he is "meant to be", unless he, himself, silences that inner voice through inattentiveness, fear, or overreceptivity to the opposition or indifference of others. Not quite the same as "the soul", the daimon is that part of the soul which recognizes the individual's place in the "grand plan", and drives the individual towards full participation in that plan. The Soul's Code abounds with examples of well-known people who evidenced the presence of this daimon in childhood, including Judy Garland, RG Collingwood, Josephine Baker and Ingmar Bergman. In the same way that Dr. Ian Stevenson considers the strongest claims for reincarnation to come from the memories of children, who have had less time to be socialized and have the raw material of fantasies planted into their minds, so Hillman seeks childhood proofs of calling to support his theory of the daimon: incidents in which young, relatively unshaped minds display a surprisingly powerful vision of what they must do with their lives. It does not come from the parents, says Hillman, but from something else.

Although we are all endowed with, or accompanied by, a daimon of our own, Hillman writes: "A calling may be postponed, avoided, intermittently missed. It may also possess you completely. Whatever; eventually it will out. It makes its claim. The daimon does not go away." [1] Obviously, the world goes on whether we miss our calling or not; is the Universe's plan amended by our reticence to show up, or is that part of the plan? Are we needed, or only insurance against the failure of others? Arguments on this terrain could go around in endless circles, without ever reaching a conclusion. We simply don't know the answer. The mystery deflects us. Somehow, though, I believe we all lose something precious when a fellow human being chooses not to listen to his daimon. [2] The world loses a color; the weight of its potential drops ever so slightly, though sometimes greatly, in the scales that measure the meaning of our lives. What does seem clear beyond a doubt is that, for the individual in question, disconnection from his daimon and evasion of his purpose, are painful and debilitating experiences. Like many other sources of frustration and conflict which can potentially lead to depression, illness, or neurosis, the avoidance of one's life purpose may lurk below the surface of the conscious mind, never detected, never explored, yet powerfully hurtful from within its hiding place, strangling one's sense of worth in secret until one is broken, seemingly without cause; creating a sense of emptiness that no distraction or consolation goal can completely cover over. We come into the world for a reason; when we jettison that reason, we lose our right to be here, and we know it. We feel like parasites (no matter how hard we work for someone who is not God); like traitors, like cowards. This is the poison that seeps into the water of everything else we do and think.

For those who are young, the message is clear:

Don't waste your life!

It is fitting that you should seek, within yourself, the purpose of your existence, and seek to live in accordance with that purpose. This fervent exhortation, which I give to you from beside the crater of my own unlived life, is not meant to be a "pied piper's call" to self-destructive romanticism. Prudence and care are most often needed to prevent the unique personal impulse we all carry within us from floundering on the rocks of prematurely high expectations; as any strategist, study your environment; don't succumb to it, but don't discount it; sheathe your visions with an understanding of reality; run away with your inspirations, but don't burn the bridges behind you; audacity without stamina is nearly always fatal. I remember once, in a chess match, I had a wonderful attack set up and ready to unfold, I could not wait to make the board blossom with it; but just then my opponent got in the way, by launching an attack of his own! After briefly studying the situation, I realized that he had the advantage in tempo and that, much as it grated on my personality, I must temporarily put my offensive on hold, and carry out a series of defensive maneuvers in order to ward off his assault. I successfully did so, whereupon I was finally able to manifest the (somewhat altered) attack I had so carefully constructed before. In this case, I lived for my desire, but my desire did not cut the tethers that bound it to a working strategy. I give this example, not to glorify my mediocre chess-playing abilities, but to emphasize that meeting your daimon, and following his lead, is not the same as thoughtlessly jumping, lemming-like, into the sea. (Some souls die by running with the lemmings; some, by trying too hard not to be a lemming, perish in a sea of their own making.) Give your daimon armor, it's not an easy world for dreams!

For the young, I say, "know thyself." If you are not yet there, seek to get in touch with your heart, and your soul; knock on the door of the house where your daimon lives, and ask him to show you the journey that awaits you. Do not throw preparation to the winds, do not put the gun of all-or-nothing to your head; but neither lock yourself into the cage of a life that's not your own. Eighty years of living your life on the wrong road is the same as dying young, though you may not realize it until you're old.

And what about us, who've already stood our daimon up; who've limped through the long years alone, secretly knowing that we collapsed along the way, though no one else discerns the real core of our catastrophe? What about us who've survived the danger of our glory by being faithless, who've eaten the bread of not being ourselves and lived in the house of the Universe without paying the rent of being true to who we really are? Are we doomed, damned, forever lost? Fugitives from God? Ghosts?

In Julius Caesar, Shakespeare has Brutus say:

There is a tide in the affairs of men

Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;

Omitted, all the voyage of their life

Is bound in shallows and in miseries. [3]

Are we truly defeated, without redemption, because we missed the moment that had our name written on it, gave up the years that were supposed to be ours? Are we out of sync with time, out of step with the rhythm of our dance with the Universe; forever cursed to dance alone with who we might have been and what we might have done; exiled from our destiny, shorn of hope, condemned to die in a foreign land? The whole world is a foreign land for one who has failed himself and God. Are heartbreak and nostalgia all that men such as us have to look forward to?

Make no mistake. It is better to begin young and to never lose your way. And yet, Fate rarely writes history or life without the input of the human Will. Sometimes the value of what has been thrown away is only appreciated once it's gone, and the longing which that rekindles creates another chance. There is rarely one turn of the wheel in a man's life, which means that there is often another opportunity to accept one's Destiny, after one has learned the bitterness of living without it. What one can accomplish this time around may be altered, it may be diminished, but within what is possible, enough of the original essence remains to excite the soul and give it one last chance to achieve meaning, and to perform its divine duty. It is crucial for those who have reached this point, not to let the wheel go by again without stepping aboard the life that is meant for them.

Sometimes, fixated on the past, frozen in mourning, the wounded fail to notice the offerings of the new day. Sometimes, demoralized by yesterday's passivity or by the "bad breaks" they could not overcome, they lie down to die, vanquished by themselves, unable to rise again. Sometimes, self-hatred engulfs them, they despise themselves so much for what they did or did not do one day, that every other day grows beyond their reach. The wheel comes back to their soul, but they have nothing left with which to answer the generosity of God. Again they let it go; because instead of recognizing their longing, and empowering it with lessons learned, they struggle helplessly on the flypaper of believing it's all over. The strong can be broken more than once; true lovers of beauty, let beauty give you strength! And what is more beautiful than a human being who is true to himself?

It is important to be kind to oneself when a thwarted life unfolds in one's mirror. Most often, we are not as worthless as we think. At times, our blunders and our evasions put us more in sync with our life's purpose than we believe. They build our frustration to the "breaking point", until the motivation we need to succeed finally pops out of apathy; until fatalism is felled by Will, and pretenses of wisdom are swept aside by the life force which knows better. They save us from premature deployment and hold us in reserve for the day that is really ours; they prevent us from being mauled by our immaturity, and season the dream with failures that turn it into iron. At times, they are not signs of our foolishness or cowardice, but of the genius of our intuition, which knows that our brilliance and our courage are uncommon, and that they need more time to reach the level we have chosen to live at. James Hillman characterizes Manolete, the famous Spanish bullfighter who stunned the world with his fearless style and apparent indifference to the threat of the gigantic bulls which hurtled past him, as a "timid and fearful child" who spent his time at home painting and reading, clinging to his mother, and avoiding the games of other boys, who played soccer and pretended to be famous bullfighters. Strange and melancholy, Manolete's withdrawal from the world of his peers seemed to be a way of hiding from his Fate, at the same time as he slowly conserved the energy and developed the focus and the gravity he would need to meet it. Although he sensed what was to come, Hillman writes, "How could this nine-year-old boy stand up to his destiny?" [4] He needed time. Sometimes, our apparent flight from our purpose is a way of preparing ourselves for it. Like little ants, some of us are born to carry great loads. No wonder so many of us flee from the weight, seek the refuge of lighter lives, try to "disappear into the crowd." Somehow the daimon always manages to track us down, either with remorse or with renewed commitment. He who would be born again must understand that the Universe is filled with wheels, that beginnings and ends are only moments, and that there are many places and many ways to get back on board, to reclaim what is precious.

No doubt, time changes the face of many dreams. Sometimes it is for the better; sometimes something irreplaceable is lost, but there is still gold in the debris. I remember once, when I was very ill, feeling myself sliding down the slippery slope of meaninglessness into complete blackness, towards extinction; my body, unenthused by any sense of worth, was compliant, and I could feel it beginning to come apart. That's when, suddenly, in the blackness before my closed eyes, appeared a golden light, and in that light the shining faces of some of the kids I had taught in the school, years before. At that moment I knew that, even though I was far off course in life, I had still made a difference even as I fell out of the sky of my most cherished dreams. Where I had crashed, I had loved, and I had beautified the place of my accident. Thanks to the gratitude that radiated from those shining faces which I had thought were not enough to justify my life, the sickness that preyed upon my sense of pointlessness receded.

A man who loves is never pointless.

A man who is fair, is never worthless; even if he was meant to save the world, that small part of himself he did not betray or fumble is still worth its weight in gold. Our life purpose is like that, a construct of many layers.

Even if we cannot revive the full glory of dreams not known, or not lived in their prime - even if Autumn can never carry the missed Spring on its shoulders - there is still redemption in salvaging that part of our purpose that we can.

Our foolishness, the opposition we meet, the gaps between our eyes and hands, the trembling legs which flee instead of stand, until tears give us courage, all of these obstacles and shortcomings peel the layers of our dream away, one by one; and yet, there is never a final layer to us, there is never an end to the pages in the book.

It is never too late to be a part of oneself, never too late to rescue the jewel of the soul's crown from one's mistakes. Whether it is connected to a world or to a single life, it still matters.

The old and the beaten have one more season, if they can learn to forgive themselves.

The daimon's youthful face, now so different from yours, may be streaked with tears, but it still knows the way; and you, and who you are meant to be to us, are still the reason it has not gone.

Young or old, new or aged, confident or wounded, do not waste your life!

May no false barrier, inner or outer, kill your joy and keep you from yourself. And never let our prejudices or our ignorance deter you!

Don't waste your life!

The spirit you thought had left you is still nearby. You are closer to being you than you imagine.

Don't waste your life!

We are on your side, even those of us who do not know it.

Don't waste your life!

*excerpts from:



[1] Hillman, James. The Soul's Code: In Search of Character and Calling. New York: Warner Books, 1997. Page 8.

[2] "… we all lose something precious when a fellow human being chooses not to listen to his daimon", unless, of course, it is a case of what Hillman refers to as "the bad seed": a man who is driven towards the attainment of infamy, like Hitler, or Escobar. (Then, the question must be asked, can the daimon be diverted towards a positive alternative; can it be guided to choose another path than darkness to express its tremendous energy?) For a contrasting view of the "bad seed", see Alice Miller's For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child-rearing and the Roots of Violence, which examines the life of Hitler with the perspective that behavior is far more malleable than the "he-was-born-evil" approach allows. While some find that approach too sympathetic to Hitler, Miller's exploration is actually an effort to help Humanity by preventing a recurrence of future Hitlers, by means of providing a paradigm for understanding his genesis through family dynamics.

[3] Shakespeare, William. Julius Caesar. Act IV, Scene III, Lines 246-249.

[4] Hillman, p. 15-16. I first saw parts of this material on Manolete quoted in "Free Will Astrology" by Rob Brezsny, in The Village Voice.

July 12, 2008

What Are You Trying To Prove?...

What Are You Trying To Prove?...
by Melodie Beattie

You don't have to prove anything to anyone.

Not even to yourself.

A subconscious desire to prove ourselves
may be hiding at the root of our fears,
the root of our tension,
the root of our need to do and be more...

Accompanying it can be a burning belief that we aren't good enough, that we need to compensate for some deficiency in ourselves in order to take our place on this planet...

We may feel like we have to earn our place, earn our right to be here. Like we're being watched and judged, graded...

You don't have to prove anything to anyone.
You're fine just the way you are. You have energy, vitality. You have particular gifts and talents. You have been learning your lessons just right in your life...

Let go of the need to prove yourself to others -
to parents, people from the past, people in your life today

Could it be the one you've really been trying to prove something to is yourself?

The answer is simple:

Learn to approve of yourself.

Love and accept yourself the way you are.

Then step right up and take your place in the universe!

July 07, 2008

Take Back Your Personal Power---

---Take Back Your Personal Power---

Stop Being Blamed and Start Creating An Incredible Life--- Lisa Whatley

Have you ever had a person in your life who literally thrived on playing the blame game? You know the ones that are constantly belly aching that it’s your fault? Then you actually believe them, so you play the game of fixing all of their problems! You become the rescuer? I did! I didn’t realize it at the time of course because that is a life lesson that I was working on mastering and boy did we play a good game together! We danced in victim consciousness together creating disaster after disaster for ten years! He created, I rescued! He created, I rescued! Then one day he got himself in another situation (and of course this was all my fault!) I was so sick and tired of continually putting forth all my energy into fixing his problems that I threw in the towel--
I quit That’s the day the light bulb came on! I realized that I was not allowing him to take responsibility for his own life

I was doing him the worst service possible-

I was dis-empowering him! I was taking his power away by fixing all his problems not to mention dis-empowering myself! That’s the day I gladly, and I mean gladly, handed him his life back on a gold lined platter! Ahh to peace once again----

Blamers are people that refuse to take any kind of responsibility for their own lives-- When things go wrong in their life they tend to blame other people-- Whether something goes wrong at home, work or school they try to find someone else to blame-- I have found they tend to blame those that love them the most-- Why? Because these will be the first people to ‘fix’ their problems and become their rescuers-- Blamers will rarely admit to their own problems-- Typically the statements you will hear from them are “It wasn’t my fault--- How was I suppose to know?-- “It’s your fault--” etc-- Their dialogue usually goes something like this------ -If only you had done something differently, then I wouldn’t be in the predicament that I’m in--- It’s your fault-

By blaming other people for the problems in their life, they become powerless to change anything Their thoughts hold them in victim consciousness

They believe and hold thoughts of:

* I cannot change my life

* I am a victim of circumstance

* I am a victim of my past

* Life is hard

* There is always more work to be done

* Plus numerous other ones

In order to move past this, they must begin to think differently-- They must change themselves-- We all know by now, that we can’t change anyone but ourself, right? We can’t change the blamer, we can only work on changing ourself and our reaction to the blamer-- I learnt that I needed to stop being the rescuer! We know it’s not our fault, so no more fixing it! How far are you willing to sacrifice yourself for someone else’s problem? That’s a tough question, but how low will you go? Take a tough love stance and let them take responsibility for their own life-- They created it-- They need to learn whatever it is that they have created so let them experience it themselves! If this is a spouse or child, it’s even harder because nine times out of ten, the problem effects your marriage and your family-- I’m certainly not saying this is going to be a walk in the park! It isn’t easy but you have to stand your ground the second they present their next problem to you
Ask them what ‘they’ are going to do about ‘their’ problem

A temper tantrum will likely ensue, leave the room if you have to and don’t send negative energy back into the cycle! Come back to it after they have completed their dramatic hissy fit

This is an excellent opportunity for you to learn the limits on your boundaries and also stretch your compassionate detachment muscles! All very empowering tasks and ones that will bring empowerment knocking on your door---

Knowing beforehand that this is a repetitive cycle where both people are getting their desired energy fix, will make it easier to remain de-attached to the blamers problem

Why? Because now you as the rescuer will be taking responsibility for your part in the game! The blamers gets satisfaction for not taking responsibility for their life along with the boost of power and control they feel they have over you when you do fix their problem

The rescuer gets satisfaction for being the hero and solving the problem

If you are at the point now in your life of rolling your eyeballs in disgust because here comes another problem to be fixed, then you are well aware that it is time to change things! Where do you start? Yourself-- You can use positive affirmations-- Write them down on some index cards and carry them with you, put them beside your night stand, hang them above the kitchen sink, on the mirror in the bathroom and even stick them in your visor of your car! You can also change your thought pattern by replacing a negative thought with a positive one whenever they creep in-- Once you become aware of your thoughts you will be amazed at how much negativity is hanging around up there having a pity party! Another method is going into a slight meditative state and re-programming your mind with positive beliefs and positive thoughts-- Visualization is also very effective-- You can visualize yourself with the desired outcome of resolving the issue at hand-- Not fixing the person’s problem, but resolving the issue between yourself and the blamer-- Hard feelings, how you will handle it, how you see them re-acting to you, etc------

Throughout our history, there have been many great, wise people from all walks of life that carry the same basic understanding: what we believe we will somehow create This is so much more powerful and truthful than once thought! We truly are the creators of our life! The continual thoughts flowing through our minds is the projection of our soon to be reality! Regardless if the thoughts are positive or negative, what you think, you will create! James Allen once said, “The outer conditions of a person’s life will always be found to reflect their inner beliefs” Maitri Upanishad says that everything that happens in our own world is a reflection of how we think---
“One’s own thought is one’s world---

What a person thinks is what he becomes
We are powerful beings, waking up to the true potential of who we really are--

Be aware of what thoughts you allow to stay in mind-
Your future is being created by you and only you----

I remember reading a study a while ago. In this particular experiment, they had ten ‘average’ people dress the same and line up in front of a panel of convicted robbers. Five of these ‘average’ people had low self-esteem, had fears of being attacked by someone and no self-confidence. The other five ‘average’ people had high self-esteem, didn’t carry any thoughts of being attacked and were very confident. The panel of criminals knew none of this information. They were asked to pick three people they would choose to be their next victim by appearance only. Each criminal picked three out of the five low self-esteem category! Why am I telling you this? Your thoughts are energy. What you think is sent out. For these particular people, their thoughts are projecting I am a victim. The criminal picks up the signal and targets that person. Even though these thoughts were fearful and not something they wanted to happen, it happened because they were thinking it. They created it Powerful! This is what I would classify as a fatal attraction! These attractions occur daily through this hidden language of energy/thought

Granted it goes both ways, negative creation and positive creation

We interact through our energetic body...
the invisible field surrounding our physical body

Our thoughts make up a part of this energetic body-

If you have the desire to change your life, regardless of what condition you want to change, change your thoughts and your belief system Thoughts and beliefs that we have about ourselves and the world alter our perception, our hope, our energy, our health, our mood, our actions, our relationships, our entire life! Thoughts are extremely powerful and creative

The example above was a negative one, now imagine how powerful you can be if you change your thoughts to positive ones

Attracting wealth, great health, vitality, love, positive relationships, the list is endless! It is yours to create as you are the creator, so start creating joy and the perfect life you have always wanted today----

What kind of thoughts are you allowing to create your life--

May Your day be full Of Wonder and Awe...
May Your Heart Sing Nothing But Love Songs---
And May Your Words Speak-The same---


Be Blessed...

July 05, 2008

Losing friends

It’s been that kind of year for me.
Losing friends.
Major changes in my life this year for spiritual reasons have really tested my friendships.
I found out some who I thought were friends, have failed me.
But then there have been those who have stuck by me in some of the toughest of times. THANKS TO THOSE _<*>_

Sounds like God is purifying us and getting rid of the dross,
like refining gold or silver.

And then...
there have been those,
& then...
there are those...that still are...
And that will continue to be...

I know I'll have many opportunities to develop new friends.

Maybe It's For the Best.

June 30, 2008

Journey Of The Soul


Journey Of The Soul

We come together as always from the consciousness of Oneness. We come together not as separate entities from different places, but as the consciousness of the one entity of the soul expressing, sharing, and being the totality of that consciousness. This is not an easy perception for the world of duality to comprehend, but it is the foundation and is the truth of the existence of the soul.

It is the foundation and is the truth that the soul yearns to discover and that all souls in their individually created and constructed manner search for moment by moment, event by event, thought by thought, action by action

It is possible for the soul to discover its true self as there is a blending of consciousness, blending of that which is the assumed consciousness externally of the worldly patterns of existence, blending that outer consciousness with the emerging consciousness that comes from the infinite depths of the soul’s linkage with all of creation and with the Creator. All souls are on a journey. It has been called the journey of the soul and rightly so, for that is the only journey that exists.

All else that is externalized and is given the appearance of being the purpose for one’s existence is but a stopping point, an observation point, an overlook, a scenic vista point to observe, to learn, and to experience in order to truly continue on the eternal journey of the soul

It is important that a soul takes the perspective that is available in order to view the landscape of life’s experiences in a manner in which there is not the segmentation and departmentalization of activities and events, but there is the homogeneous blending of all that is observed and experienced into a common pattern of unfolding in consciousness, pulling from each experience that which is the essence of the interaction that calls forth the perfected quality of an attribute of the soul which is the purpose the particular event occurred in the first place

It is important to see that the journey is one of constructed step by step evolution of consciousness and that each stop along the way, or each bend in the track of the journey provides an experience and an interaction with the world of attachment, the world of physical, emotional and mental interactions that call forth and demand from the soul to be seen from the perspective of soul consciousness

As observations and interactions are made along the journey and there is then an involvement in and attachment to or an absorption by the particular event or observation, then it is like taking a sidetrack. It is like taking a detour which certainly for the moment appears to be interesting and appears to have certain substance and reality, but as the sidetrack or detour is taken, it is seen that the ultimate satisfaction from that sidetrack or detour comes from realizing the interaction of the perfection of the soul, of realizing the attribute of the soul that is being called upon to be consciously realized.

It is the fulfillment of that realization that becomes the ultimate purpose for having taken a particular sidetrack or detour

Consider the life pattern of a soul in the earthly experience...

* There are emotional interactions -
* There are ego driven success patterns that are followed-
* There are patterns of emotional behavior that call upon satisfying both the emotional and physical desires-
* There are the intellectual pursuits that seem to be so important in terms of coming into an understanding of the mechanisms and philosophies of the worldly way-

If you look at each of these detours very carefully and observe from an inner intuitive perspective what is really occurring on each of these varied detours, it will be seen that there is at the core of all activity, an ego driven response that is being generated that creates the illusion of separateness, that creates the illusion of importance. And that creates the illusion of a reality that can be sustained within the experience pattern of the soul.

As a soul approaches the completion of a current life cycle there is often a realization that so much of what has been accomplished from the worldly perspective, so much of what has been realized from the various detours and sidetracks that have been taken and from the various experiences that have occurred, so much is of little sustaining value other than that these various activities along the journey of the soul have indeed evoked and brought forth not only the desire for discovering the eternal nature of the soul, but in fact call forth the manifestation of the Attributes of the Soul. There is a sense of peace, a sense of harmony, a sense of beauty, a sense of recognizing the internal infinite mightiness of the Creator that is part of and in fact the very core of the existence of the soul.

There are many patterns which unfold and in each instance the pattern is always leading toward the evolution of consciousness of the soul realizing its true identity and discarding the outer assumed identity

So the journey of the soul is a most beautiful concept to observe, to internalize, to understand and to know of its progression as the soul goes step by step through the experiences of the life pattern recognizing that each experience is not an end in itself, but is an integrated pattern that is part of the whole, that connects with all other patterns that are being expressed by the soul, and have only one purpose which is to call forth the unity of consciousness, the consciousness of Oneness, the consciousness of the eternal reality of who and why the soul is

Observe the journey carefully. Integrate the understanding that is suggested into each and every experience and know the truth of why you are.

Know the truth of the journey and embark upon the final stage of the journey which is a reunion, the merging with, the coming into the fullness of the consciousness of the soul as One with all creation

The journey of the soul began with an idea, with a thought, with a projection of consciousness from the very center of all creation. The soul became a packet of energized Love and Light that has been extended into the vastness of the created universe. The soul has the journey to complete, returning to that very center. The consciousness of the soul is the reality, the realizing of that consciousness is the purpose.

The achieving of the total unity of consciousness with the Creator is the goal, nothing else exists

I embrace you in the Love and Light of the Creator-
I embrace you from the depths of the consciousness-
of who you are for we are One-

We are you-
I AM, the Love, the Light-
and the Life of the universe-

'Lessons from the Soul'

_________ B L E S S I N G S _________

June 26, 2008

Universal Every Particle of Existence

Universal Consciousness...
in Every Particle of Existence

Creatures in thousands of varieties populate the Universe.

How sad to believe in dirt amidst a garden of dreams. The oscillation of history’s events proves repeatedly that when offered the chance to deceive many will.

Animals as you know them now will no longer remain on Earth if there is not a major diversion from the current course. One day, stories of them will be doubted by the majority of remaining humans as ancient myths of a primitive people.

There are many examples of animals speaking in clear human language. With the Universal Consciousness anything is possible. The eye looking back at you has seen much in many forms and traveled very far.

Some of the dinosaurs died and some moved on. Many never left the astral realms. They are not available to the highest wisdom until they incarnate as mammalians. There is a subset of the species that refuses to make this leap.

Try not to think too hard...
because it will block the remembrance that supercedes such dense gyrations.

OUT THERE is not nearly as vast as IN HERE.

OUT THERE is IN HERE but the reverse is not true.

No filters; no interpretations.

Aware of the ‘I’ and the ‘Super I’, the wanderer sets off in search of dispersion into all things. The connection is the vibration within every particle of Existence.

Your chair can tell you the truth if you coax it hard enough.

Begging for bits we nibble nimbly. Shouting for enlightenment we provoke the lightning to strike our heart. Foolish devils try to beguile with a sly smile. They will meet their own Armageddon on the killing fields of humanity.

..~Christopher Moors

Armageddon of the Mind

Armageddon of the Mind

Though we may see Armageddon in the outer world, the inner condition which brought it on is far more intense. The cosmic tug of war between light and dark is fought inside the mind of humanity and is merely reflected externally.The images on TV of this occurrence may strike fear into our heart, but is it not merely showing us what lurks in our own subconscious?

Angels of Truth have sounded and Demons of Darkness are struggling hard to hold their deceptive ground. Some humans consciously choose to ascend in light, while others grasp tightly to their Denials and shout, “I want it my way!” Heavenly friends may hurt for those who harm themselves, but they should not let it stop them from walking on inspired by Love from/for their Creator.

The winding ‘this and that’ path becomes straight and paved with gold when you realize that the destination is each step and the glow on the horizon is there so you know you are not alone. Flowing through invisible bonds between your Soul, the Sun, the Earth, and the Moon, the Aum melts away barriers, releasing enough starlight to fill the entire Universe. A living constellation, you can write your own mythology.Old ideas fall away and the implications of a crumbling edifice may take a few moments to settle. Pain of loss is fostered by emotional attachment to stagnation.

For awhile we were allowed to believe that things had stopped, but borrowing from our own future, it was intrinsic to the situation that the explosion of pent up energy would inevitably seek its freedom.Suffering is necessary and for awhile it had to be so. When the edges have cut you deeply enough to crack the mental prison and let the long awaited morning arrive, shadows flee, and the frozen places begin to melt, shedding tears to release the frustration. Deep breaths and inner hugs transform the ache to ecstasy and the joy of life becomes awakened, never to be lost again.

Pearly Gates PressArticle:

"What Do You Want?

"What Do You Want?  Where Do You Want to Go?"

"The only Veils which now remain---separating you from that which you fear, or that which seems to elude you--are those you have chosen to keep in place.  If you don't believe this, then you are doubly fortified against awakening from your Dream at this time.  First, you believe in the chains that bind you.  Second, you give over your power to someone else, someone you firmly believe keeps the chains there.  That energy places a DOUBLE LOCK on the door of your cell.

The Earth Plane is no longer a prison, my friends!  It is a now PRISM of diversity and possibility, there at your command.  All you need to get anything you wish is present within you now.  Just wipe away the cobwebs from your mind so you can clearly see the path that is laying itself before you.


And it will come, in time.  It always does.  There is no one left to condemn you.  Those who appear to do so are simply reflections of the condemnations you still hold about yourself.  They are demons, standing guard over a prison door that has no ceiling or walls!  Just step out and you're free.


Go inside yourself.  All the answers are there.  The 3D Worlds continue to exist, and will continue to exist so that you can appreciate and explore the QUESTIONS for as long as you wish.  The life you are living (or rather the LIVES you are living, for there are many) have already come to fruition, somewhere in the Multiverse.  Your current Journey here involves a deep need, on your part, to understand the reasons for all these choices you have understand the very framework of what it means to be human and alive.


So go!  Run away and play!   It's all there for you to enjoy...........the horror, the wonder, the awe, and the awfulness.  Go ahead.  Drink your full cup of living.  Sometimes, you will opt for bitter wine.  Sometimes, you will opt for sweet.  Both Heaven and Hell are there for your instruction, for your amusement.  They are merely slides, placed under the 3D Microscope of Experience.........examined thoroughly, for as long as you desire, and then returned to the archives of All That Is.


The only question, to which you will continually return, is:  "Is this still what I want?"  And instantly, with the asking (if it is sincere and forthright), there will be an automatic adjustment to whatever reality context you currently inhabit..

<From The Reconnections>

BECOMING the Storm...(the Reconnections)

BECOMING the Storm........ (the Reconnections)

If desire causes suffering it may be because we do not desire wisely, or that we are inexpert at obtaining what we desire.

Instead of hiding our heads in a prayer cloth and building walls against temptation,
why not get better at fulfilling desire?
Salvation is for the feeble, that's what I think.

I don't want salvation
I want life, all of life .............
I will have tasted the banquet that they have before me on this rich, round planet,
rather than recoiling from it like a toothless bunny.

I cannot believe that the most delicious things were placed here merely to test us to capture the grand prize: the safety of the void.

To fashion of life such a petty game is unworthy
of both men and gods.

~From "Jitterbug Perfume," by Tom Robbins

June 25, 2008

Know how to use your energies

Know How To Use Your Energies

If you read the great Book of Living Nature you will realize that, in order to evolve satisfactorily, it is essential to know exactly where one's energies go, what one spends them on, what use one makes of them. This is just one more area in which human beings do not have the light they need.

They squander their energies frivolously and unthinkingly on whatever takes their fancy. But to live in ignorance of how to use one's energies makes it virually impossible to advance and evolve. We are responsible for our energies; Heaven has not given them to us so that we can waste them, and the use we make of them will be noted on our record. The Book of Living Nature says, "Blessed are those who devote all their physical, emotional and mental energies to working for the good of mankind and for the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness."

A close look at human beings will show you that they are not really aware of all the energy that has been given to them so that they may live. They have no idea how precious it is, how much the Lord values it, where it comes from or what it has cost nature to manufacture it for them. It is in things like this that one sees that man is not very highly evolved, for he wastes his energies on fits of anger, orgies of sensuality and selfish, criminal activities without realizing that, in this way, all that priceless treasure goes to feed forces of Hell. If I told you that it was human beings that nourished the forces of Hell you would be astonished, and yet this is the truth. Out of ignorance, most human beings spend their lives nourishing, sustaining and supporting Hell. They never been told that they are responsible for the way in which they use their energies - and it is not at University that they are going to learn this.

One of the first tasks of a disciple is to become conscious of how he spends his energies, for they have been carefully counted, weighed and measured.

When Heaven sees someone wasting his energies in harmful activities, it shuts off the supply. It says, "That man is dangerous; he has got to be put out of action." Do you know, for example, why some people are drunkards? It is because the Invisible World chose that way to render them harmless. If they were in full possession of their faculties they would use their destructive energies to create havoc in the world, but their abuse of alcohol chloroforms and stupefies them. They are incapable of doing any harm. This is not true in every case, of course; there are all kinds of reasons why people become alcoholics.

You should continually be aware of how you are using your energies, continually ask yourself to what purpose, in what direction you are using them. There is nothing more important than this, for Heaven watches you and sees what you are doing with all that wealth it has entrusted to you, whether you are using it for purely selfish purposes or for a divine purpose. That is the question. If you ask yourself this question lucidly every day, many things within you will improve unbelievably. To be sure, you will not succeed in bringing everything into line from one day to the next, but at least you will learn to be conscious. Never forget that without this consciousness you will continue to be subject to karma.

As long as you have still not consciously taken control of your life and started to synchronize the vibrations of every particle of your being with the vibrations of the divine world, you will be subject to the blind forces of nature. This is the situation of most human beings, because no one has ever shown them the importance of working on their inner life. It is of vital importance to realize that, if you oppose Cosmic Intelligence with a way of life contrary to Its design, you will progressively disintegrate until there is nothing left of you. Perhaps you will exclaim at the cruelty of Cosmic Intelligence in destroying those who reject Its laws, but the truth is that it is not Cosmic Intelligence that destoys people. It has never wished to destroy anyone. But if a man is stupid enough to pit himself against Immensity, the forces opposing him are so powerful that he will, inevitably, be torn to pieces. It is only to be expected. If one puny human being tries to stand up to a whole army, he will soon be wiped out. If an insect batters itself against a window-pane until it knocks itself out, is it the fault of the window? Men behave like insects: they pit their strength against the divine law, against the splendour of the universe... they love a good fight! But they are heading straight for destruction and it will not be God who destroys them, but themselves.

A disciple must seek, first and foremost, to attune himself to Cosmic Intelligence. Every day, he must try to vibrate in harmony with this Immensity, to melt into It, to open himself to It, to let himself be caught up and swept away by It. The only way to do this is by love, for the only way to become one with another being is to love them. This is why Jesus said, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength." God does not need our love, He can get along very well without it. It is we who need to love Him; it is to our advantage. Jesus did not say, "Think of the Lord, unite yourselves to Him, do His will". He simply said, "You shall love the Lord your God", because only those who love each other can be in tune with each other.

And this is what I am saying, also, when I ask you to attune yourselves every day to that Supreme Intelligence, to act in accordance with His will without even knowing exactly what it is. We often do not know what God's will is, but we should always be ready to do it whatever it may be. That is what love is. When you love someone you are always in harmony with him; even before you know what he is going to ask of you, you are ready to trust him and do everything in your power to please him

Amongst all the things I tell you, there are some points that you should think about every day and others that may apply only in certain circumstances. What I am telling you, today, about how you use your energies, is one of the things that you must note down and think about every single day, for I shall not always be there to remind you of it. There are great many things that you can leave to one side, but this is not one of them. Every day, in all the different circumstances in which you find yourself, you are asked to be conscious of how you are using your energies. You can do this wherever you are: in the street, on the but, at the dentist's, in your own kitchen - wherever you are you can glance into yourself and ask yourself, "Let's see, if I do this or that, what is it going to cost me? Ah, I can see that I shall be feeding the swine with all that is most pure and divine in me. No, I'm certainly not going to commit myself in that direction. I don't intend to spend my energies on bringing back the dead." As Jesus said, "Follow me and let the dead bury their own dead."

As you see, it is essential to be clear about the work to which we must devote our energies. I cannot insist too much on this point.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

May 23, 2008

"Compassion & Love"

"Compassion & Love"

The essence of love and compassion is understanding, the ability to recognize the physical, material, and psychological suffering of others, to put ourselves "inside the skin" of the other. We "go inside" their body, feelings, and mental formations, and witness for ourselves their suffering. Shallow observation as an outsider is not enough to see their suffering.

We must become one with the subject of our observation. When we are in contact with another's suffering, a feeling of compassion is born in us. Compassion means, literally, "to suffer with."

The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed.

- Jiddu Krishnamurt i-

LoVe & PeAcE

