December 15, 2007

People Who Don't Get It

People Who Don't Get It
~some thoughts
from Redfoxsees

There will always be people around us~who just don't get it they are seemingly everywhere and, often, in positions of great power. We will encounter individuals in our families, at work and in all areas of public life. It is easy to find ourselves feeling intolerant of these people, It can be frustrating and painful to watch them behave in inappropriate and clueless ways~

But think of them in a new light of awareness~ each of us has dark places that need healing, the heart and mind of the world has its dark places that are in dire need of healing~ The health of the wholeness of our Beloved Earth Mother~ depends upon the healing of all our relations~ In order to do this sometimes it takes baby steps~ if we can focus on increasing our own light the light of those around us will increase~

It is not our pathway to judge anothers path~ but to walk our pathway in our own truth and our own values~ Many people have different names and definitions of the truths that they hold~ We should not judge another's view of truth~ because they are not part of our own truths~

We increase th light around us~ by not allowing thoughts of judgment, anger, and fear to come into play ~ as we interact with other people~ It helps to remember that every one must find their own way to awakening and that the experiences they are having are an essential part of their awakening process.

We will always encounter people who "don't get it" They have created comfort zones in their belief system~ and they feel threatend by those who seek to crack open the doorway of their beliefs. Truth is a matter of perception ~ based upon ones belief system~ And many of todays belief systems ~ were anchored into consciousness~ as a method of control and manipulation~ The masses of innocent people have been brain washed~ thru strict organized methods of control~ Fear, hatred, persecution and prejudism~ keeps many present day belief systems locked into states of dis-empowerment~

Knowledge of truth~ is what will Empower the people~ Truth is not owned by any people. Each one of us has our own unique song to sing, our song that connects us to our spiritual self~ A song that connects us with a higher illumination of truth~ Every people have their sacred ways to dance their truth. allow each individual freedom of choice~ to find their own dances for the one truth

It is not our path~ to judge anothers belief system~ Do not change them or give them your ways~ But to allow them to find truth in their own heart energy~ People all over the world~ are coming around to the truth~ that lays hidden within their own individuality~ and within their own ancestral memories~ Each of us has a unique genetic coding~ that stores the memories of our ancient ancestral memories~ We are all unique in our own individual ways~ and must search within~ for the truth that will awaken us~ to the powers of our Divine and Creative Potential~

The knowledge of truth must be shared with the world~ and each of us are finding our own unique and individual ways~ to share our truth in good and respectful ways~ Always remember~truth is like love~ If we hold our story of truth inside of us~ if we keep it hidden and stored away deep inside our memory~ our truth means nothing~

Judge truth with an open heart and an open mind and an open heart~ Always remember that truth Empowers you~ and the manipulation of non-truth~ dis-empowers you~

What makes a people strong is their heart. A painful heart is not strong. A giving heart~ helps to spread the light of truth~

All people have their own unique ways of dancing their truth~ truth is like love~ the more you give it away~ the stronger your truth becomes~ The knowledge of truth must be shared with the world~ and we each find our own unique and individual ways~ to share our truth in good and respectful ways~

Many people have different names for the same truths~ and what some people may share with you~ may somehow provide keys for you~ that will unlock and awaken deeper meanings of truth~ inside your own self~
As well as you~ may hold the keys to awaken further potential~ for other individuals~ We each hold pods of seed dreams stored away inside our memories~ and sometimes all they need~ is fertile ground~ and a tad bit of fertilizer~ from other children of light~

People are beginning to look for the keys to spiritual growth ~ but there will always be those who walk across our path~ who just don't get it~ Let them go~ Let them walk their own path~do not judge them~ and maybe just maybe one day~ maybe they might just get it

Each of us must protect our sacred ways, yet each of us~ must share the truth that makes those ways sacred." We must respect our ancestors
and hold what is sacred close to our hearts. In this way we will respect our people. Respect our Creator and speak the truth to those who wish to hear it. In this way we will respect our world."

But for now~ those of us who walk the path of truth~ We are here to help each other succeed~ to our highest and greatest potential~ And that is of utmost importance~ Everyday the Mother Earth calls out~ and the wind whispers the need to hear our prayers~ and to connect with the Powers of our ancient ancestral memories~ But many people just do not hear~ Many peoples eyes are frozen over~

Kola Lena Cicu Welo Wiconi waste
Apeya Wowastelaka~~~( with love~)
Written by Redfoxsees

November 14, 2007

The Lever That Moves the World


The Lever That Moves the World
by MSI Ishaya

Service is Love Made Manifest

"We make a living by what we get.
We make a life by what we give."

Winston Churchill

     Service is joy; service is the source and goal of any thinking human's relationship with the rest of humanity. The most evolved humans have always known that true joy comes from giving. They live for others. Their thought is for others. There is nothing they would not do to further the growth of others. They have realized this one truth: there is no true happiness in growth for oneself alone; all true growth is always rooted in compassion.

     Service is giving back the gift of our life to the Source of our life. Service is a reciprocal relationship between our self and the rest of humanity. True service is love made manifest. Service relieves the suffering of everyone of the Earth by healing the root of all suffering: the mistaken belief in separation. True service is always a gift of love. It is never ego-based. It seeks nothing, it gives freely to all.

     Service is a natural response to the recognition that all of life is interconnected. We are all part of each other. Everyone is an out-picturing of everyone else. When one sees this clearly, one dedicates one's life to healing all the sundered and scattered parts of ourselves.

     None are rejected, all are accepted with love. There is no sin that can take one away from the perfect love of the Ascendant. Only the ego believes in separation. Only the ego believes in the possibility of mistakes. Only the ego judges and condemns. When the ego is given up, the dream ends.

     The Universe is intimately interconnected. The smallest change anywhere changes the whole. It is not possible to change anything without changing everything, for the One Ascendant is everywhere.

When life is dedicated to judgment, to the ego, to fear, the growth of the entire Universe is as if slowed.
It's as if slowed because there is no real possibility of slowing the Universal Plan; there is only the false appearance of slowness.
When life is dedicated to the healing of humanity, to the Holy Spirit, to unconditional love, the entire Universe responds with joy and unlimited expansion.

     A wise person once said, "Give me a lever long enough and a place to stand, and I will move the world." There could be many levers that could move the world with sufficient time and trouble, but the lever that moves the world effortlessly is service in love.

     Where does one stand to move the world easily with the lever of service? The Ishayas have always maintained that the only true place to be centered is in the one-pointed faith of flawless commitment.

     Commitment is everything. Until one has committed one's life, there is no potential for growth or progress. This is true for one who commits to anything. Nature does not support vacillation. But all of the Universe responds to and supports action in accord with the upward currents of evolution. If one commits one's heart, mind, body and soul to the Ascending River of Life, all of life progresses at lightning speed into the Heart of God.

tap into YOUR energies!

LoVe LoVe LoVe LoVe

How You Can Culture the Knowingness of Truth

How You Can Culture

the Knowingness of Truth
by MSI Ishaya

     Two voices always speak to everyone. How do you learn to discriminate between the voice of the ego and the Voice of the Ascendant?

     The voice of the ego can be seductively attractive and quite compelling in its logical arguments. There are no objective tests by which you can conclusively decide which voice is which. Complicating the issue is that the Ascendant can at times request behavior that is totally illogical and apparently unethical. What, then to do? Where, and how, does one learn the art of discrimination?

     The only true counsel comes from complete consciousness of the Ascendant. How can you be sure you are listening to the counsel of the One and not of the ego? You can check with other enlightened beings, of course, but unless you are enlightened, how would you ever know if the beings you consult are enlightened or not?

     The knowingness of Truth must be cultured in every human. Then there can be no mistakes. Until that time, the tradition of the enlightened can be a great asset: if your actions or desires are in alignment with the tradition of complete consciousness, chances are very good that your actions and desires are in accordance with the Ascendant and not with the ego.

How Can You Tell a True Teacher?

Ye shall know them by their fruits...

     The advice of True Teachers who represent the Ascendant (the Holy Spirit) leads to growth and healing, to expansion and creativity and love. By aligning your desires with those of True Teachers, life unfolds in ever-greater waves of perfection and joy.

     There may be roughness on the path as the ego struggles to maintain its death-grip on the soul; these temporary clouds are always counterbalanced by the expansion of love and ever-increasing depth of experience. And the struggle ends permanently once one realizes how to align perfectly with the Holy Spirit.

     This explains the value of the Teachers of Ascension who have fully aligned themselves with the Ishaya Tradition. A True Teacher knows that he or she is a pipeline, nothing more. A True Teacher knows that the essence of the Teaching of Ascension is experience, not a personality.

     A True Teacher knows that all True Teachings ultimately point the finger of understanding back at the seeker's own heart.

     A True Teacher has perfectly learned the one purpose of human life, perhaps best stated by Albert Schweitzer:

"The only ones of those among you

who will be truly happy
are those who will have found

the way to serve."

Decisions Decisions Decisions !


Decisions Decisions

Having troubles making decisions?

     What to do and how to act, as an instrument of divinity. Especially as you start basing your reality and your decisions upon true reality, upon divinity, upon consciousness, upon your heart, upon love, and cease basing your reality and decisions upon mental reason, and programs of social consciousness.

      Decisions are easy and simple if you follow your heart, combined with consciousness, but you must get to know yourself enough to be balanced within the two and know the two, knowing self. Self makes the decision, because you are the decision. This is the Ankh, a circular energy extending out from your heart chakra up through consciousness, combining direct divine consciousness with feeling and expression of love in the body.

     With this connection, living as the Ankh, you live in the eternal now beyond time, you are the time master, you are the decision maker and the decision. The Ankh is the combination of the cosmic with the physical world, the divine human.

      Decisions are easy to consciousness, because you as consciousness, do not live in the world of fear where there are negative consequences to making the wrong decision. There are consequences to every action and inaction, but consciousness does not judge you as the world does for making the "wrong" decision. There is growth either way right or wrong, if you made a wrong one hopefully you will learn and not make the same mistake next time. If you make the right one then you can pat yourself on the back that you already learned your lesson.

      Decisions are difficult for the mental body from the world of correctness, the world of ego. The only reason it is difficult to make a decision is because you are afraid to make a mistake. The only reason you are afraid to make a mistake is because you limit yourself by time. You think that if you make a decision that you are stuck with it forever, that you can't change your mind again. This is a program left over from the old world that said you had to be decisive and responsible and stick to your decisions.

      Fear is the key element here, there is fear in making decisions, fear of screwing up. Courage is feeling the fear and doing it any way, so have courage and risk making a mistake, risk making a fool of yourself. Risk making the right decision as well, because this might be your greatest fear - success rather than failure. You may have a program that says you do not deserve goodness, so if you make the right decision, you screwed up again because you do not deserve it.


     If I had to give the world just one piece of advice it would be this: be courageous, risk it all, don't play it safe, do outrageous things, be adventurous. Get off on fear, enjoy it; enjoy the feeling and experience of it; the exhilaration that your body feels when there is danger involved; live for danger. Be an adventurous, courageous, transmuter of reality.

     The only way to deal with any situation of a deep spiritual and emotional nature, that love brings up for you, is to go right into it, courageously. Stick your face right into the fire and see how hot it can get. Conjure up all your worst fears; think all the worst thoughts that you can possibly think about this situation; feel the deepest pain that you can possibly feel. Get it over with as soon as possible by going deeper into it then any spiritual adventurer has ever gone, and then send it all off through your crown chakra, giving it all to God.

Here's an example:

     Got a relationship breakup?   

      Go right into all the abandonment, all the loneliness, all the victimhood, all the guilt, all the remorse. Transmute all of these illusions by going right into all the bad stuff, so that you can arrive at the gifts that you have gained from the relationship. Rent every romantic movie you can find, so you will feel all your pain of loss of love, and romance, the dream of oneness and happily ever after. Don't leave anything for later, do it all now! Feel everything now! Don't "play it safe" and deny anything, don't drag out the pain through weeks, months, years or lifetimes, as most people do. Don't let feelings fester into cancer, move on from your past. Don't let your experiences of abandonment and victimhood get you - you are not your experiences; you are not your feelings; you are not your thoughts.

The New Civilization

     This new civilization manifesting, is not safe to the old world and its perceptual reality, it is dangerous because it undermines it. This new reality is the only real safety, it is your only real survival and security, because the old civilization is now obsolete, it is an illusion, it is being dismantled and replaced by the new improved version.

     If you want real safety, than the new world is for you. If you want the safety that you and everyone else is used to, then it is not, it is undermining to your reality of illusion. This civilization of light will not manifest if you play it safe. You will not remember who you are if you play it safe. You will not experience the magnificence of your beingness if do not rock the boat, and shatter the illusion.

     So when you have a decision to make, pick the most outrageous one, the most risky, the most dangerous, because more than likely this will be the path with the most growth. Sure you could pick the gentle path, but will this path actually be so gentle, or will it just take longer with all the same experience drawn out.

If your intention in life is growth and awareness, than isn't the fastest path usually the most outrageous? How many spiritual masters do you know led a normal basic status quo life, not pushing any buttons, not shattering any spiritual illusions, not upsetting any apple carts -  not too many I think.

     I would say that 99.99% of them led totally outrageous, risky, dangerous, adventurous lives; risking rejection, ridicule, physical harm and even death. Each one of them risked it all, they were driven by the passion of truth, they would have the truth or die, they would not live in a world where they could not have their dream, their vision of divinity. Are you willing to be as courageous as them, being afraid and doing it anyway; being afraid and letting love lead you, instead of fear?

      Decisions are easy.

     When you come to a fork in the road, which decision, which choice of how to act or what to do, offers the most growth? 

     There's your choice, very simple, very easy. But of course it may not feel like an easy decision, because the decision with the most growth will be the one that is the most risky. The most risky decision is usually the most exciting, the quickest, the most adventurous, the most dangerous, and possibly the most painful.

      With these risks, is the experience of truly feeling the wonders of the workings of separation, complete with its inherent joy, heartache and yes, ecstasy. There is an exquisite ecstasy within the pain. Why avoid pain, pain is expansive, revelatory. There is joy and wonderment within the folds of pain, an experience that you may not have revealed to yourself yet because you have been hell bent on avoiding your pain in the search for pleasure, in your emotional survival quest to avoid the feelings of separation. But the truth will soon be revealed.

      When you go deep into pain and suffering, the gift that is revealed is what was safely hidden behind all those layers of emotional baggage, and that gift is your divine essence, your true eternal beingness - that is true empowerment.

      "Pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding." "And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life, your pain would not feel less wondrous than your joy." "And you would watch with serenity through the winters of your grief." Part of "pain", from the Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran.


In matters of the heart, where does the most pain usually lie?
     Following your heart and risking being hurt somewhere down the line, or playing it safe, not risking the possibility or your heart being broken by living a "safe" life with your heart kept safely protected from harm. Where is the worst pain, love "lost" or love never experienced. Take a chance.

     Love is not safe, for love brings up all the parts of yourself that you do not love. Love asks you to risk it all, to un-shield your heart and allow it to experience all the joy, and all the pain that is the wonder and ecstasy of love. The place where your sexual energy is most attracted to, is where the most growth is. Naturally, I am referring to balanced sexuality, lower chakras balanced with the heart and consciousness. This love attraction is the creative force, the energy that generates growth. So whoever you are most attracted to on all levels, including sexually, will be the person where the most growth lies.

      Where does love often lead us? Love often directs us to situations that are wrought with uncertainty and risk. Love has us travel pathways that appear to be full of differences, separation and deep painful emotion. Love encourages us to break the rules of relationship and social programming. Love encourages you to explore the inner most reaches of intimacy, the re-discovery of self. The re-discovery of self is the most intimate thing you can do. Relationship is the most intimate way to discover self as you reveal your true self to another, they are indeed your mirror of self.

    * How intimately will you reveal yourself to another beautiful person, another you? Will you reveal self to self, or still try to hide in mediocrity? 
    * Will you accept relationship and love as the gift that it is and all that it brings up for you, or will you avoid intimacy because you are afraid to love, be loved, hurt and be hurt?

 * Are you afraid to reveal the truth of your beingness? 
 * Will you play it safe?

      If you want to play it safe, then please avoid love and relationship at all costs. If you want to experience a steady un-dramatic existence, then please stay away from intimacy. If you do not want to re discover true self, then please keep that heart guarded by a fortress.

     But if you want to be yourself and remember who you really are, then take the leap, risk it all, risk losing everything, risk losing love, risk losing friends, risk losing your job, risk losing your relatives, risk starving to death. Risk gaining everything; risk gaining love; risk gaining true friends; risk gaining your true profession; risk gaining your true family; risk having complete prosperity - risk it all. Risk losing it all and gaining everything; risk losing all you are not, to re-discover who you really are.


     "When love beckons to you, follow him, though his ways are hard and steep. And when his wings enfold you yield to him, though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you. And when he speaks to you believe in him, though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden. For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning. Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun, so shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth. Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself. He threshes you to make you naked. He sifts you to free you from your husks. He grinds you to whiteness. He kneads you until you are pliant; and then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for God's sacred feast.

      All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life's Heart. But if in your fear you would seek only love's peace and loves pleasure, then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love's threshing-floor, into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears.

      Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself. Love possesses not nor would it be possessed; for love is sufficient unto love.

      When you love you should not say,"God is in my heart," but rather, "I am in the heart of God."  And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.

      Love has no other desire but to fulfil itself.
But if you have love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires:

To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.

To know the pain of too much tenderness.

To be wounded by your own understanding of love;  And to bleed willingly & joyfully. 

      To wake at dawn with a winged heart & give thanks for another day of loving; to rest at the noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy; to return home at eventide with gratitude; and then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips."

From the Prophet by Kahlil Gibran



L.O.V.E. Y.O.U.R.S.E.L.F.

Let go of the "shoulds" in your life.

Open up to the miracle of now.

Value your uniqueness.

Explore your dreams and passions.


Yield to life - go with the flow.

Obey the voice of your Spirit.

Unwind - get cozy and comfy.

Renew yourself - body and soul.

Surround yourself with caring people.

Express yourself - be true to you.

Linger longer at what you enjoy.

Feel God's special love for you.



"May the fire be your friend...

and the sea rock you gently

May the moon light your way...

'til the wind sets you free"



( my little dumplings I wanna Squish Your cheeks)



Thank You for Loving Me!

The ABCs -Empowerment

(a)  Look Feel & Listen
Where are You right now?
Are YOU fufilling your...
      and most of all 
                   YOUR Heart?

      Identifying oneself can be a tedious job, especially when one is blind to "one's own" desires/moral values/beliefs and true heart.

Analyze yourself- take Inventory!

Who are you?
What are your values and beliefs? 
How do you rate yourself moraly?

Make 2 lists:     

One with the Pros- another with the Cons.
Everyday make the 'cons' list get shorter as your "pro" list longer.
**self improvement is the initial step!

(b) Where are you at this point of life?
    Are YOU where you want to be?
Make a dicision on where YOU see yourself!

Decide where you want to go.

Ask yourself these question and be honest with YOURSELF!

   ... admirer others ...
Not meaning to be like them -
Weigh thier accomplishements...
Are they doing something you would like to achieve yourself ? (remember -  we are all students & teachers in life)

Better yourself...
  Again a list of pro and cons come to mind.
  As long as the CON list gets shorter
  and the PRO one lengthens!

Visualize where YOU want to be!
And WORK at it.. !

It is just NOT handed to you-
You must seek it- find it and Grasp it.

Like the golden ring on those old
fashion 'merry-go-rounds' with the brass ring.



 Plot your route ... And Stick to it!

NOTHING in life comes and lands at your feet!

     If you come across a barrier- work around it... but always keep your 'eye' on the fiinal destination, YOUR DESIRES & DREAMS!

Sometimes we end up "changing" the initial"goal"... that's OK!
        Life changes- Times Changes-
And YOU should be able to change with it.!

     Do not get discouraged.. we all have minor setbacks!  The main thing is to "get a grip" of oneself... see the barrier- and conquor it. 

Life is not supposed to be "rosey, peachey-keen, or perfect!"... but it can be joyous!

We are the only ones that can make life that way.  No one Else.

     So Dream Big- Step Forward - Keep Moving and Never regret a single a "halt" in one's journey, or a "fast flash" jump of achievement.

Savor it all - step by step - savour it.

Growth & Evolvement Will  Come Natually!

November 13, 2007

Reading the Signs Life Gives Us

Reading the Signs Life Gives Us
By: Keith Varnum

To look is one thing.
To see what you look at is another.
To understand what you see is a third.
To learn from what you understand is still something else.
But to act on what you learn is all that really matters!

- Native American Wisdom -

Your spirit has great plans for you this lifetime! Want to know what they are? Our souls are enjoying a fun adventure, while most egos are enduring a frustrating nightmare. Our souls are creating exactly what they dream. Most personalities fall short in satisfying their desires. The vibrant success of the soul is little known only because most of us aren?t taught how to connect with the exciting scenario of the soul.

-Spirit Rules! -

The soul is in charge of our lives! Our souls have been running the show from behind the scenes since the beginning of time. And you can easily tap into your soul?s point of view and find out what your soul?s been up to since the moment you were born.

The most direct route the soul takes to connect with us is by speaking with a silent inner voice or urging. It tries to reach us through intuition. But often we don't, or can't, receive this direct inner communication. Spirit then resorts to using our outer world to get our attention to deliver its guidance. The ever-inventive soul tries to get through to us by way of noticeable, distinctive, strategically-timed signs in the form of events in our daily life.

-Constant Guidance -

Reading outer signs is a way to intuitively and gracefully open your personality to the wonders, wisdom, support and guidance of your own brilliant soul plan. Our soul is always trying to guide us. Spirit uses these outer signposts to steer us toward our goals. We live in an interactive, responsive Universe that is designed to fulfill our deepest dreams?if we would only play along!

-The Deck is Stacked in Our Favor -

There is a science, as well as an art, to reading signs and signals. Our beliefs and intentions go out from us and have an impact not only on other people, but also on what happens to us.

Signs and synchronicity are pure physics. All outer signs are a mirror reflection of our inner consciousness. The quantum mechanics of meaningful coincidences is constantly working for us. Our magnetic field of energy is always attracting exactly what we need to create our hearts? desires. We?re destined to enjoy an abundant life?and the Universe is designed to help us find it.

You can successfully navigate through the myriad of your life choices by using the precise guidance system that the outer world constantly presents. You can increase the number of fulfilling life opportunities by increasing the accuracy of your interpretations of signs. And you can open the door to more magic, meaning and money in your world by learning to suspend skepticism and conditioned responses.

All our emotions and dreams are encoded messages from Spirit. The soul also talks to us through inner and outer coded symbols, sounds and unusual lights, or intermediaries like angels and spirit guides. Often the soul has to resort to dramatic, external events to grab our attention, like body symptoms or car and computer trouble. When has your soul had to resort to strong medicine to get your attention? (for example, sickness, accident, divorce)Cloaked in Mystery

The traditional path of outer sign reading is one of mystery and mysticism. It has been an intrigue full of secrecy and sacred rites. But this ancient divining path can also be walked with practical feet! The mystical approach once simplified and clarified, can be a very easy, dynamic, productive and rewarding way to live your everyday life?and to create the realities you want for your enjoyment and growth.

-Reconnect with an Ancient Approach to Life -

For thousands of years human civilization has used the outer world for guidance. Only in the last few hundred years have we lost touch with this ancient and effective way to follow the divine destiny of our lives. The successful civilizations of Babylon, Egypt and Greece followed oracles who divined omens and messages from beyond. Even up to the time of Shakespeare, folks were guided by reading the signs of the outer world. The Bard?s plays are full of references to omens and signs.

You can employ this ancient approach to create miracles in your everyday modern world?and attract abundance in your bank account, vitality in your body and satisfaction in your bedroom. Reading signs is a very practical ways to make room in your personal Universe for daily magic.

-A Helpful Early Warning System -

Life offers us a practical Early Warning System?if we pay attention! Life gives us messages. When we fail to get the message, life gives us a lesson. If we don?t learn the lesson, life gives us a problem. If we don?t deal with the problem, life gives us a crisis. If we don?t handle the crisis, life quits giving!

What early warning signals from your universe have you been disregarding?

-Action Means You Got the Message -

In many Native American languages, the word for ?getting the message? is the same word used for ?my life has changed.? In other words, in their culture, if you don?t act on the guiding signs presented by the Great Spirit, you didn?t really get the message. If you don?t make the necessary changes in your behavior and attitude to alter the course of your destiny, you never really understood the true import of the message.

Being in intimate touch with the ebb and flow of the interconnectedness of life, indigenous peoples recognize life?s outer signals as useful Early Warning Signs. These outer signs are reflecting the inevitable outer course of our inner river of consciousness. Native peoples know the only way to have their life unfold harmoniously is to respond immediately to the accurate feedback life gives them. For indigenous people, there is no middle ground as there is for most modern, intellectual Westerners.

Modern folks often respond differently to divine assistance. Instead of responding immediately as would native peoples, contemporary Americans typically ?think? about the signs being given by Spirit. Even after recognizing the wisdom of the message, most people still don?t make the indicated changes in their life. In allowing the thinking mind to enter into the equation, we invite misinterpretation, discounting, invalidation and even denial of the message. And most often, the result of this mental intervention is inaction.
We always have our ?good reasons? not to make the changes suggested by Spirit!

Finding The Joy In Your Universe
by Vidya Ishaya

"Except ye become as little children,
ye cannot enter the Kingdom of God"

Remember that one?
Did you ever see little children playing in a sandbox or on the beach? They create wonderful castles, great monuments, roads and aqueducts between cities in their sandbox. They create their own worlds of sand.

But then with glee and hand-clapping, they kick their castles to dust, destroy their roads, eliminate their aqueducts and start all over again with nothing but a blank pile of sand, happily creating another universe.

Can you imagine a child stressing out because the sand palace starts to erode as the waves come to chip away at it? Well, maybe a little. But how long does she hold onto it? Does she start building a wave blocker? When the rain comes, does she design a roof to protect her creation? Does a child imagine he?s safe if a building stands, but becomes fearful for his own existence if the building starts falling?

No. Children don?t try to hold on to anything. They let whatever happens happen. Yes, they are the creators of their play universe, but they?re the maintainers and also the destroyers of their creation, all in great fun, pleasure and enjoyment.

What is the Difference...
Between the Outlook of a Child and That of an Adult?

As adults, we?ve been taught just how important and significant it is to hold on to our creations and never let them deteriorate. It?s great to build a house or an organization, but it?s not great when it starts to change (and it?s especially bad when there?s a threat of dissolution.) The more we can hold onto "exactly the way things should be," then we?re sure we?re safe and secure. And very happy, right?

Well, not exactly. What we actually see and experience is that the more we hold on, the more we try to keep things exactly as they are, as they?ve always been, the more we suffer. Because it is the nature of the universe (and everything in it) to be created, maintained for a while, and then destroyed. Everything! But this does not have to be a source of suffering. Not at all!

The truth is ? you create your world around you. And you maintain it. And you destroy it. Consider the body you reside in. You imagine that you have to keep it safe at all times, to prevent it from being injured or destroyed at all costs. The keyword here is "imagine." We imagine that we know the truth. We imagine that we know what?s going on all around us when the real truth is something different than we imagine.

In truth, we create our body, we maintain it for awhile, and then we choose to leave it, exactly at the perfect moment according to a choice we made long ago. And this is precisely what is happening to everything else in our universe.

When you let go, and experience the world as a child experiences the sandbox, then you are open to the Truth: what is real never ends. The reality is that you are eternally the master of creation -- and destruction. You create, you enjoy your creation for awhile and then you dissolve it, so that you can do it all over again. Forever.


Does Nothing Matter?
Isn?t Anything Significant?

Look at what was on the earth 10,000 years ago. Look at what?s here now. Imagine what will be here 10,000 years from now. All totally different, all totally changed. What does that mean about all the things we hold dear, all that has such importance to us? Do we just give up in frustration because the world is meaningless and nothing matters?

No. Of course not. We once again become as little children and see the joy, the beauty, the fun in what we?ve created right now. And then we let it all go, in glee, like the child who destroys his sand castle with a bucket of water. Because we know we can create again, always fresh, always new, with a burst of excitement and enjoyment.

What it all comes down to is: what do you choose? Do you choose to hold on tightly to everything exactly as it always has been, experiencing stress, sorrow and frustration when everything begins to change, as it must? Or do you choose to live life from a place of joy and laughter, happily accepting everything as it unfolds in front of you, whether it looks like creation or destruction?

It really is just a simple choice,

and everyone is making the choice,

in every moment....

What do you choose?

Personal Belief Systems

Personal Belief Systems

      Personal belief systems are the ideas that define how we view ourselves in this reality. They can be subconscious feelings or conscious judgements from this or other dimensions. They do not necessarily have to originate in this lifetime or this reality. However, by their nature of defining who we are, they also force us to behave as if we are who we affirm to be. Until we change our notions of who we are, we live in the prison of our personal belief systems.

     In the United States, a lot of people define themselves by what they do for a living or how much money they make. This is due to the capitalistic nature of the society. Some modern thought churches use the concept of "prosperity" to say that God wants you to be abundant in all things, including possessions, fame, stature. They teach that the lack of prosperity is nothing more than a belief in lack. During this period of high unemployment, 2001-2003, people are starting to see that prosperity can also mean spiritual prosperity. The art of living a meaningful life, with or without money. Although, the churches are correct in asserting that a belief in lack will create lack, they could also teach that prosperity doesn't necessarily have to mean an abundant supply of money. One of the interesting ways of affirming or counteracting the belief in lack is to say: "I am abundant in all things." Or it can be more specific. The point is that often, we pray affirming lack, rather than affirming wealth. For instance, we might pray: "God, I need a job." This is an affirmation of lack based on a personal belief that you "need" a job. That there isn't a job out there for you. That it won't come in time. It is a prayer of lack that the universe is only too willing to fullfill by not having any jobs available. The more appropriate prayer would be: "Thank you God for the accounting job at a large, Fortune 500 firm, close to my home." This is a very specific prayer that shouts out a belief in abundance and not in lack. This is one example of a personal belief system, and probably not the best, but one that almost everyone can relate to.

     Another personal belief system might be the idea that one is not as intelligent, beautiful, funny, or charming as others. Instead of connecting with our inner Divinity which is astoundingly beautiful, we affirm the negative of our base personalities. This isn't humbleness, this is a lack of self-esteem. The idea is to come to terms with yourself that you do not need to compare your personal life to anyone else's for you to have value. We are all children of God and all worthy of Love. If we do not allow God to approach us due to our negative self-images, God will not enforce his Love on anyone. It's up to us to overcome our negative personal beliefs.

     Some people believe that in order to be worthy of love they need to please other people. This can escalate to the point where the person becomes a terminal giver and allows others to abuse their generosity to uphold a belief that they are worthy of love. Co-dependence and Panic Disorders are psychological situations that stem from personal belief systems that trap a person into living other people's lives instead of claiming their own inner Divinity and blazing their own path with a passion of purpose. Other people believe that people owe them because they are above everyone else and this is sometimes termed Narcissistic Personality Disorder. These all deal with personal belief systems that are detrimental to the inner soul and will diminish the entitie's capacity to overcome the boundaries of their reality for more pleasant surroundings. Seeking counseling is a wise decision for those that find themselves too overwhelmed with the present reality to shake the emprisonment of thier souls in this dimension.

For those with less severe personal belief systems, it is wise to find a spiritual teacher or mentor who can reflect the personal beliefs that hamper you that you may not even know you hold as personal truths. A stable personality is essential to interdimensional traveling because if you can't handle 3D, might as well not try a more complex dimension. There are dangers of causing a more severe mental or emotional imbalance than is already present. Start by knowing the person you are here in 3D before you explore other facets of yourself in other dimensions.

Which leads me to the personal belief in using drugs to reach other dimensions. This is not a safe way to travel. Drugs are strongly discouraged as a means of opening the mind to other dimensions. The human mind is closed not out of ignorance as much as out of necessity. To open it without setting a firm psychological basis is to invite trouble. If a person works on thier inner world enough to become stable and works with more natural methods like those on this site, there is less danger of opening a window that should have remained shut. If the inner work is done, the psychic opening will occur spontaneously and quite naturally and cause minimal psychic shock to the person involved. Forcing anything through drugs or magic rituals before your mind is capable of accepting a wider world is an invitation for disaster. Please heed this warning. It is for your safety. The idea is to become a whole integrated psyche, not a split fragmented soul.


All religions have some truth as thier basis. That is my belief. There are many paths to God. The problem with religion isn't so much that they are "wrong" or that they are "right." It's that people use them to justify thier lack of love and intolerance to their neighbors. When a person insists that their way is the "only way" then we have a rigid belief system that doesn't allow for other ways.

No matter what religion I pick, I know that this is a sensitive subject. Let me start by saying that no matter what religion you are, if it has helped you to become a better, more loving, person then it has been a good choice for you. I do not wish to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. What I do ask you to consider though is if this belief allows you to grow your Love of God and Neighbor or if it produces Fear. Fear is the antithesis of Love, not hatred. Love is all-accepting. My favorite definition of love is in the Bible:

"Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends; as for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. For our knowledge is imperfect and our prophecy is imperfect; but when the perfect comes, the imperfect will pass away. "

So, when we see the definition of love, we begin to understand that fear is the antithesis of love. When we are fearful we are not patient or kind. We can be jealous or boastful or arrogant or rude. We can insist on our own way, be irritable and resentful. Unfortunately, religion has been the biggest tool used to promote fear upon the masses. The idea of eternal damnation if an ideology is not followed to the letter is nothing more than the active promotion of fear. This is how we can have things like the Crusades, and even fanatical people hijacking planes and crashing them into buildings killing thousands. Why? Is it because Christianity or Moslems are evil? Or is it because the message of love inherent in both these religions has been distorted by either followers or people within their sects?

Now, you are probably wondering what this has to do with dimensional traveling. Here is where the true test of what you believe surfaces. Imagine for an instance that you have left this dimension of physicality for a higher dimension where your thoughts, desires and fears automatically manifest in front of you. The astral plane is one such dimension. If you have beliefs that are fear-based due to your religious indoctrination, they will manifest in front of you to your extreme horror. And who is to blame? Everyone has free will to choose thier belief systems, be they religious or otherwise. Stay in whatever religious system feels comfortable to you, but focus on the message of love, not of fear. This will make your dimensional travels far more pleasant.

Spirituality As A Road Block

Spirituality is the act of seeking a higher consciousness through all facets of life: business, family, art, religion, even sleeping. It embraces the whole of human experience but does not confine it to a single belief system. It is the connection within to the Divine that gets strengthened, not the connection to the belief structures of man. How can this all-encompassing and embracing philosophy become a belief system? As some people gain spirituality, often they lose their connection with the mass mind and begin to think of themselves as special. They set themselves apart from "ordinary" humanity that hasn't been enlightened or that hasn't had direct revelations of God. In this delusional state, many people begin to fantasize that their mission in life is greater than everyone else's mission. That other people were put on this earth to support their spiritual unfoldment and in return, the select Servant of God will bestow God's revelations to others and save them from "separation from God." Some may even possess psychic abilities that confirm to their believers that they are, in fact, set apart from others and worthy to be supported monetarily, emotionally, and physically. Thus, the person who is claiming spiritual superiority is actually serving themselves by obtaining glory and power for their own ego and not for the purpose of uplifting mankind.

As humanity progresses, this type of hero worship will decline, in my opinion. It is the result of a misunderstanding of God's infinite capacity to bestow his gifts on everyone, not just the select few. Any spiritual authority that attests to their own Divinity while denying others theirs is not a doing a service to mankind. We all may not have access to all of the dimensions of ourselves in the same timespace coordinate as others, but we all have that capability. The true hero is the one that helps those to find the hero within themselves.

Another delusion that occurs due to spiritual belief systems is the belief in Personal Universal Laws. There are Universal Laws such as karma and attraction, but they are not belief systems until we are assured that we know exactly how they are supposed to work for everyone instead of how they work for humanity. We can not possibly know what another person's path is until we've walked a few of their past lives in our moccasins. I have heard it said that there is a Law of Prosperity that if one is only to focus on wealth, instead of lack, one will obtain wealth. This assumes that those that are not attracting wealth, or health, or a mate or any other quantity defined in a "Universal Law" has done something wrong in their thinking or creating. This is a belief system, plain and simple. There is no right or wrong from the point of view of the higher self. There is only experience and that experience is concerned with creating light, truth and love in the world. If that means that someone chooses to experience sickness in order to help others cure themselves, then this is what occurs. If a higher self wishes to identify with disempowerment and failure to help others succeed, then this is what occurs. The goal is not personal and the effect is not personal either. There are no personal universal laws. It's an oxymoron, in my opinion.


The goal in any form of spirituality should not be about self-service, but service to others. In this way, we transcend our personal limitations and open the doors to the dimensions of our larger selves, a Universal Brotherhood/Sisterhood of Man.

The Scientific Method

The western world has had dramatic improvements in the condition of the human race due to scientific inquiry. This inquiry not only disproved some of the false belief systems of prior ages, but also laid the foundation for an unbiased approach to further development. The scientific discipline involves the establishment of a "theory" and then a rigorous system of experiments to either prove or disprove a theory. This an important understanding. Theories are not Laws. The Theory of Relativity is not a law. It is a concept that has proven to stand the test of time with multiple scientists devising experiments to either support or break down the theory.

Unfortunately, this rigorous approach to life has been misused by people less knowledgeable who insist that if something can't be seen, touched, felt, heard, or tasted that this means it doesn't satisfy scientific method and it is a sham. We are back to a the idea that if it doesn't fit into our world as we know it, we won't accept the possibility of its existence, whatever "it" is. It takes a Galilean soul to stand up to the popular agreement of the day and say: "I think the world is round."

Many things on these pages will be deemed "unscientific." In fact, dimensions as a theory is relatively new and still hotly debated. Superstring theory is a theory that has many detrators and supporters. Does this mean you will be unwilling to open your mind to the possibility? Does science demand that we say something doesn't exist because personally we don't know how it works? Or does science demand an open mind, a rigorous experimental approach, and a "look and see" type of attitude? The only way to test these dimensions is to personally experience them. That means laying aside the skepticism, if only momentarily, and allowing your world to widen to embrace larger concepts. If after some work, it still is not real to you, then go about your business and realize it may not be for you. But, this has not proven the non-existence of these dimensions as in science we all know that you can not prove a negative.
©1999-Claire Moylan

October 28, 2007

Fulfillment of the Ancient Dream

Fulfillment of the Ancient Dream
by MSI Ishaya

Once upon a time, everyone was convinced that the earth was flat and the sun rotated around it. However, even though all of mankind believed this, no change in the orbit of our daystar ever occurred. Nor did our spherical Earth contract to a flat plane so it could align with ignorant humans. The Truth is the Truth. Whether or not anyone remembers that there is Eternal Truth is irrelevant; fortunately, Truth is not democratic.

Similarly, for more than two thousand years, most of our race have believed that the Ascendant Oneness (commonly called enlightenment) was a myth. Or it was only accessible to a fortunate few who were monks or nuns -- those who had renounced everything of the world in order to devote their lives to the realization of the Eternal.

In the absence of knowledge about the effortless path of growth in consciousness, any strange belief about the difficulty of growth has been taken for the Truth. But the Truth has never changed. It has remained, crystalline, pure, forever isolated from the strange mutations of space and time, patiently waiting for the forgetful children to remember.

And as soon as even one remembers, the Truth is there, wholly and completely, in all its radiant glory, for the Truth also permeates every particle of the Created worlds; the Truth is fully everywhere, always.

Our race has matured greatly in the last five thousand years. This is not to say there is not still a great deal of work to do; there obviously is. This is not to say that we have healed the Earth’s problems, created by human ignorance and greed; we obviously have a long path ahead.

But the fact is that more and more people today are dedicating themselves to love and to the healing of humanity. Once a certain threshold is passed, once there are sufficient numbers of fully enlightened people walking on the Earth, the entire planet and the entire human race are going to experience a phase transition of consciousness.

Those who wish to continue to destroy will no longer be able to do so. Those who wish to create the expanding glory of full awareness will receive unlimited support from the Infinite One. Every desire of theirs will be fulfilled, from the slightest to the greatest. Those who have learned to align their hearts with one-pointed faith will find that there are no limits to their eager, numinous minds. There are no restrictions of time or space that do not bow to the will of the fully realized human.

The most important time is NOW. Now we stand on the threshold of fulfillment of the ancient dream; Now we stand at the beginning of full enlightenment and immortality for the entire human race.

The Ishayas seek those who wish to align themselves fully with this endeavor. They seek those who have the root desire to become part of the solution and cease to be part of the problem. This process of alignment can be as quick as a soul desires; there are no limits to the rate of acceleration of consciousness available to the human. The only real choice is how quickly this will occur. Human free will consists only of how quickly one chooses to learn to evolve.

Learn it quickly and enjoy the endless fruits of love, joy, perfect health and immortality; learn it slowly and flirt with fear, illness, misery and death.

The choice is always yours.

The pathway to culturing Eternal Freedom in every moment of Now is not difficult or hard to follow. Indeed, it is present everywhere, at each and every moment of time. Built into the fabric of Creation are certain Ascending pathways; these are found throughout the structure of all existence, inside every cell, inside every nervous system, throughout every planet, every sun, every galaxy, every particle from the smallest to the largest of Creation.

These channels lead you directly to the experience of the Ascendant; when one has opened one’s heart to innocence and one’s mind to one-pointedness, the infinite light of the One floods through the human soul, bringing completion to the otherwise endless dance of the ego, bringing fulfillment to every human’s age-old quest for perfection. The dawn of complete enlightenment is inevitable once one innocently treads down even a single Ascending pathway.

What must one give up to realize the Ultimate?
Absolutely nothing.

What must one be willing to give up
to realize the Ultimate?

Absolutely everything.

It is the attachments that cripple the growth of consciousness. Where your treasure lies, there will be your heart also. If you are more attached to your home or your family or your job or your status than to the Ascendant One, you will have your home and your family and your job and your status until death comes knocking on your door. You will not have the Ascendant One.

If, on the other hand, you seek first the One, you will have your home and your family and your job and your status, but you will have them all fully for the first time in your life.

Life is supremely simple, but we tend to make it complicated. A life of compromise and fear leads to death, quickly, painfully. A life dedicated to the Truth leads to Eternal Freedom.

September 06, 2007

Solitude &; Dreams

Solitude & Dreams

I walk serenity's path to a place
of inner peace, and quite solitude.

Here in the stillness,
I hear the voice of wisdom.

Here in the stillness,
I feel my spirit soar.

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Yesterday is but a dream - and tomorrow is but a vision, but a today 'well-lived' will make yesterday a dream of happiness... and tomorrow a vision of hope.

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

The outer world
is like a mirror,
Reflecting back...
whatever you give
from within.

Give love...
and the world
Loves you back.

Give peace...
and the world
becomes ...
more peaceful.

Give light...
and the world will be a little

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Jumping Over The Moon

Jumping Over the Moon

Have I ever seen this (or any) illness as an opportunity to grow?
As a challenge to be welcomed for the good that will come from it?

These questions startle my sleepy morning thought. Last night I had the humorous thought of surmounting challenges like the cow jumping over the moon. Just leaving them behind with such a vigorous and buoyant leap of growth that they simply have no more relevance to who I am.

The temptation of course is to feel hemmed in, constrained by the fearful sense of disease, and to begin shaping one's days and one's expectations according to that projection.

But why is that future more real than the
one where I joyfully transcend this fear?

This is not about running away, running away from cancer,
illness, pain, or any other difficulty.

That won't work -
and I know it -
for Sure!

It's About Opening Oneself To The Universe.
It's About Being HUMAN And Ackowledging...
That You Are No Different Than Anyone Else!

No One Is Immune ... No One Is Better Off..!

And Most Of All.... It's No-One's Fault!

It is all about opening one's heart and mind
to the pure love of God that touches and
transforms human thought...


Healing is about standing still in the presence of God and listening to the still small voice utter itself. Listening in quietness and confidence for Love's amazing word.

That kind of prayer brings guidance specific to the human situation.

Then we humans must take the next step.
That step can be a small change in thought
that brings new options into view.

Do Not Give In To Your Faults - Illnesses -and/or Fears.

Sometimes that next step is a great leap forward,
into a future - is unimagined -
and thought of just a few moments before taking the leap.

So Look Ahead - With A Head Held High...
For YOU are on the Right Path To Healing...
And A Wonderful Future !