How You Can Culture
the Knowingness of Truth
by MSI Ishaya
by MSI Ishaya
Two voices always speak to everyone. How do you learn to discriminate between the voice of the ego and the Voice of the Ascendant?
The voice of the ego can be seductively attractive and quite compelling in its logical arguments. There are no objective tests by which you can conclusively decide which voice is which. Complicating the issue is that the Ascendant can at times request behavior that is totally illogical and apparently unethical. What, then to do? Where, and how, does one learn the art of discrimination?
The only true counsel comes from complete consciousness of the Ascendant. How can you be sure you are listening to the counsel of the One and not of the ego? You can check with other enlightened beings, of course, but unless you are enlightened, how would you ever know if the beings you consult are enlightened or not?
The knowingness of Truth must be cultured in every human. Then there can be no mistakes. Until that time, the tradition of the enlightened can be a great asset: if your actions or desires are in alignment with the tradition of complete consciousness, chances are very good that your actions and desires are in accordance with the Ascendant and not with the ego.

How Can You Tell a True Teacher?
Ye shall know them by their fruits...
The advice of True Teachers who represent the Ascendant (the Holy Spirit) leads to growth and healing, to expansion and creativity and love. By aligning your desires with those of True Teachers, life unfolds in ever-greater waves of perfection and joy.
There may be roughness on the path as the ego struggles to maintain its death-grip on the soul; these temporary clouds are always counterbalanced by the expansion of love and ever-increasing depth of experience. And the struggle ends permanently once one realizes how to align perfectly with the Holy Spirit.
This explains the value of the Teachers of Ascension who have fully aligned themselves with the Ishaya Tradition. A True Teacher knows that he or she is a pipeline, nothing more. A True Teacher knows that the essence of the Teaching of Ascension is experience, not a personality.
A True Teacher knows that all True Teachings ultimately point the finger of understanding back at the seeker's own heart.
A True Teacher has perfectly learned the one purpose of human life, perhaps best stated by Albert Schweitzer:
"The only ones of those among youwho will be truly happy
are those who will have foundthe way to serve."
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