Living in the Present
Be Present
Live in the now. Be in the present. The past is gone. You can never re-live what was yesterday. Do not look ahead on what may come......rest assured that the actions and reactions of today determine what is ahead. Affirm - "I am here. I am present"
Let Go Of Judgment
Accept everyone for who they are, embrace the differences, for if you do it will ease your own mind on the differences that you may have within yourself. We are all alike..experience the freedom of letting go of judgment towards other's and yourself.
Cleanse your soul and take some time out to get close to the earth. The fresh air and scenery is therapeutic, healing, and healthy. Many a problem can be solved, or many a dream can begin by a walk in the park or the seashore.
Forgive yourself for past mistakes or shortcomings, for parents or siblings who may have hurt you, for lovers who may have wronged you. Forgiving is about coming to peace within yourself inspite of your circumstance. Forgiveness and carrying grudges keep you stuck where you may no longer want to be.
Your body is a machine...poor nutrition can lead to depression, lethargy, and lack of desire. Feed your soul with positive foods and supplments. You don't need to become a health nut but eating a balanced diet as much as possible will create positive change in how you think or feel about your life and/or circumstances.
Read books that are uplifting and have positive messages. Give thanks for your health, your home, the people in your life that you care about and all of the good that surrounds you. A simple prayer every morning never hurt a kind soul.
Service to Others
Reach out and help others. Lend a hand to a neighbor, an elderly person, a friend or family member who needs support. The greatest thing we can do as human beings is to spend time each day creating opportunities to do kind deeds towards others. Thoughtfulness, helpfulness, and kind deeds never goes out of style!
May you create the tomorrow of your dreams
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