People Who Don't Get It
~some thoughts
from Redfoxsees

There will always be people around us~who just don't get it they are seemingly everywhere and, often, in positions of great power. We will encounter individuals in our families, at work and in all areas of public life. It is easy to find ourselves feeling intolerant of these people, It can be frustrating and painful to watch them behave in inappropriate and clueless ways~
But think of them in a new light of awareness~ each of us has dark places that need healing, the heart and mind of the world has its dark places that are in dire need of healing~ The health of the wholeness of our Beloved Earth Mother~ depends upon the healing of all our relations~ In order to do this sometimes it takes baby steps~ if we can focus on increasing our own light the light of those around us will increase~
It is not our pathway to judge anothers path~ but to walk our pathway in our own truth and our own values~ Many people have different names and definitions of the truths that they hold~ We should not judge another's view of truth~ because they are not part of our own truths~
We increase th light around us~ by not allowing thoughts of judgment, anger, and fear to come into play ~ as we interact with other people~ It helps to remember that every one must find their own way to awakening and that the experiences they are having are an essential part of their awakening process.
We will always encounter people who "don't get it" They have created comfort zones in their belief system~ and they feel threatend by those who seek to crack open the doorway of their beliefs. Truth is a matter of perception ~ based upon ones belief system~ And many of todays belief systems ~ were anchored into consciousness~ as a method of control and manipulation~ The masses of innocent people have been brain washed~ thru strict organized methods of control~ Fear, hatred, persecution and prejudism~ keeps many present day belief systems locked into states of dis-empowerment~
Knowledge of truth~ is what will Empower the people~ Truth is not owned by any people. Each one of us has our own unique song to sing, our song that connects us to our spiritual self~ A song that connects us with a higher illumination of truth~ Every people have their sacred ways to dance their truth. allow each individual freedom of choice~ to find their own dances for the one truth
It is not our path~ to judge anothers belief system~ Do not change them or give them your ways~ But to allow them to find truth in their own heart energy~ People all over the world~ are coming around to the truth~ that lays hidden within their own individuality~ and within their own ancestral memories~ Each of us has a unique genetic coding~ that stores the memories of our ancient ancestral memories~ We are all unique in our own individual ways~ and must search within~ for the truth that will awaken us~ to the powers of our Divine and Creative Potential~
The knowledge of truth must be shared with the world~ and each of us are finding our own unique and individual ways~ to share our truth in good and respectful ways~ Always remember~truth is like love~ If we hold our story of truth inside of us~ if we keep it hidden and stored away deep inside our memory~ our truth means nothing~
Judge truth with an open heart and an open mind and an open heart~ Always remember that truth Empowers you~ and the manipulation of non-truth~ dis-empowers you~

What makes a people strong is their heart. A painful heart is not strong. A giving heart~ helps to spread the light of truth~
All people have their own unique ways of dancing their truth~ truth is like love~ the more you give it away~ the stronger your truth becomes~ The knowledge of truth must be shared with the world~ and we each find our own unique and individual ways~ to share our truth in good and respectful ways~
Many people have different names for the same truths~ and what some people may share with you~ may somehow provide keys for you~ that will unlock and awaken deeper meanings of truth~ inside your own self~
As well as you~ may hold the keys to awaken further potential~ for other individuals~ We each hold pods of seed dreams stored away inside our memories~ and sometimes all they need~ is fertile ground~ and a tad bit of fertilizer~ from other children of light~
People are beginning to look for the keys to spiritual growth ~ but there will always be those who walk across our path~ who just don't get it~ Let them go~ Let them walk their own path~do not judge them~ and maybe just maybe one day~ maybe they might just get it
Each of us must protect our sacred ways, yet each of us~ must share the truth that makes those ways sacred." We must respect our ancestors
and hold what is sacred close to our hearts. In this way we will respect our people. Respect our Creator and speak the truth to those who wish to hear it. In this way we will respect our world."
But for now~ those of us who walk the path of truth~ We are here to help each other succeed~ to our highest and greatest potential~ And that is of utmost importance~ Everyday the Mother Earth calls out~ and the wind whispers the need to hear our prayers~ and to connect with the Powers of our ancient ancestral memories~ But many people just do not hear~ Many peoples eyes are frozen over~Kola Lena Cicu Welo Wiconi waste
Apeya Wowastelaka~~~( with love~)
Written by Redfoxsees