Fulfillment of the Ancient Dream
by MSI Ishaya
Once upon a time, everyone was convinced that the earth was flat and the sun rotated around it. However, even though all of mankind believed this, no change in the orbit of our daystar ever occurred. Nor did our spherical Earth contract to a flat plane so it could align with ignorant humans. The Truth is the Truth. Whether or not anyone remembers that there is Eternal Truth is irrelevant; fortunately, Truth is not democratic.
Similarly, for more than two thousand years, most of our race have believed that the Ascendant Oneness (commonly called enlightenment) was a myth. Or it was only accessible to a fortunate few who were monks or nuns -- those who had renounced everything of the world in order to devote their lives to the realization of the Eternal.
In the absence of knowledge about the effortless path of growth in consciousness, any strange belief about the difficulty of growth has been taken for the Truth. But the Truth has never changed. It has remained, crystalline, pure, forever isolated from the strange mutations of space and time, patiently waiting for the forgetful children to remember.
And as soon as even one remembers, the Truth is there, wholly and completely, in all its radiant glory, for the Truth also permeates every particle of the Created worlds; the Truth is fully everywhere, always.
Our race has matured greatly in the last five thousand years. This is not to say there is not still a great deal of work to do; there obviously is. This is not to say that we have healed the Earth’s problems, created by human ignorance and greed; we obviously have a long path ahead.
But the fact is that more and more people today are dedicating themselves to love and to the healing of humanity. Once a certain threshold is passed, once there are sufficient numbers of fully enlightened people walking on the Earth, the entire planet and the entire human race are going to experience a phase transition of consciousness.
Those who wish to continue to destroy will no longer be able to do so. Those who wish to create the expanding glory of full awareness will receive unlimited support from the Infinite One. Every desire of theirs will be fulfilled, from the slightest to the greatest. Those who have learned to align their hearts with one-pointed faith will find that there are no limits to their eager, numinous minds. There are no restrictions of time or space that do not bow to the will of the fully realized human.
The most important time is NOW. Now we stand on the threshold of fulfillment of the ancient dream; Now we stand at the beginning of full enlightenment and immortality for the entire human race.
The Ishayas seek those who wish to align themselves fully with this endeavor. They seek those who have the root desire to become part of the solution and cease to be part of the problem. This process of alignment can be as quick as a soul desires; there are no limits to the rate of acceleration of consciousness available to the human. The only real choice is how quickly this will occur. Human free will consists only of how quickly one chooses to learn to evolve.
Learn it quickly and enjoy the endless fruits of love, joy, perfect health and immortality; learn it slowly and flirt with fear, illness, misery and death.
The choice is always yours.
The pathway to culturing Eternal Freedom in every moment of Now is not difficult or hard to follow. Indeed, it is present everywhere, at each and every moment of time. Built into the fabric of Creation are certain Ascending pathways; these are found throughout the structure of all existence, inside every cell, inside every nervous system, throughout every planet, every sun, every galaxy, every particle from the smallest to the largest of Creation.
These channels lead you directly to the experience of the Ascendant; when one has opened one’s heart to innocence and one’s mind to one-pointedness, the infinite light of the One floods through the human soul, bringing completion to the otherwise endless dance of the ego, bringing fulfillment to every human’s age-old quest for perfection. The dawn of complete enlightenment is inevitable once one innocently treads down even a single Ascending pathway.
What must one give up to realize the Ultimate?
Absolutely nothing.
What must one be willing to give up
to realize the Ultimate?
Absolutely everything.
It is the attachments that cripple the growth of consciousness. Where your treasure lies, there will be your heart also. If you are more attached to your home or your family or your job or your status than to the Ascendant One, you will have your home and your family and your job and your status until death comes knocking on your door. You will not have the Ascendant One.
If, on the other hand, you seek first the One, you will have your home and your family and your job and your status, but you will have them all fully for the first time in your life.
Life is supremely simple, but we tend to make it complicated. A life of compromise and fear leads to death, quickly, painfully. A life dedicated to the Truth leads to Eternal Freedom.www.awakeningpath.com