July 31, 2009

Exploring Inner Space

Exploring Inner Space
By:Gwen Randall-Young

     "The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul, which opens to that primeval cosmic night that was soul long before there was conscious ego and will be soul far beyond what a conscious ego could ever reach." - Carl Jung
     The experience that is our life occurs in the context of a huge macrocosm composed of endless space filled with numberless universes, upon the little blue dot we call home. The experience itself, however, occurs completely within us: within our own vast, endless inner universe.
     This inner universe is created through our senses, perceptions, and beliefs. It occurs within the conscious mind, which is fuelled by the external world, but also by the world of our unconscious, our dream world, our imaginings and the archetypes of our species.
     Our inner universe is unique to us. While it may share common elements with others, it is a one-of-a-kind event that is continually evolving-creating and recreating itself with every stimulus, both internal and external.

     Exploring that world can be mystifying, enlightening, often spiritual, but can also be very lonely. There is only one inhabitant in that world. Perhaps that is why some find self-exploration or meditation to be uncomfortable. Television, computers, work or a busy social life can save one from stepping off the edge into that unfamiliar abyss.
     We cannot really avoid it completely, however. It is there always in the background of our consciousness while we are busy thinking the external world is the most real part of our experience. The external is where ego hangs out, and for ego that is center stage. It is all there is.
     To experience our soul, we must go within. Once inner space becomes familiar, it ceases to feel strange and instead becomes like a nurturing womb. Instead of feeling disconnected, we discover a connectedness that transcends anything ego has known. As we immerse ourselves in inner space, any sense of separateness disappears.
     As we go deeper, we discover a kind of portal which connects our inner space to all that is-to the vastness of the eternal. It then seems curious that we had the illusion of separation.
     The reason for the confusion is this: imagine drawing a circle on a page. The line forming the circle is all that separates the inside from the rest of what is there. Remove the line, and it all becomes one. In our case, it is ego which forms the line between inner and outer. Ego is at the interface, and allows us to connect with the outside world. Ego does have some useful functions-it is not bad, just limiting.

     However, when we identify with ego, then that separation seems real. When we transcend ego, everything changes. There is no more in here/out there. We are no longer interested in polarity, or taking sides. We still function in the world, but we no longer take things personally. We become more interested in understanding; in seeing the big picture.
     We more often find ourselves functioning like an observer, noticing what is happening, but viewing it from a perspective of wisdom. We no longer feel a need to take sides or to be right. Instead, we are more likely to mediate or facilitate. Our focus is more on finding solutions, and honoring all who are involved.
     We also release our need to control things. We still may have desires and goals, but we recognize that we are co-creating with the universe, so anything may happen. Whatever does happen is undoubtedly for our highest good, although ego often might argue with that! We develop the ability to know when to take action, and when to simply surrender and flow. We do not worry, because we trust the process of life.
     Since we no longer take things personally, and are not as attached to outcomes as we once were, all of our relationships and dealings with others seem easier and more effortless. It is not that suddenly everything magically flows, it is just that now we know how to flow. Ego may still try to get us agitated, but we are now aligned with soul, and soul just wants to enjoy the journey.

June 03, 2009

Traits Of An Empath

Traits of an Empath

    Empaths are often quiet and can take a while to handle a compliment for they're more inclined to point out another's positive attributes. They are highly expressive in all areas of emotional connection, and talk openly, and, at times, quite frankly in respect to themselves. They may have few problems talking about their feelings.

    However, they can be the exact opposite: reclusive and apparently unresponsive at the best of times. They may even appear ignorant. Some are very good at blocking out others and that's not always a bad thing, at least for the learning empath struggling with a barrage of emotions from others, as well as their own feelings.

    Empaths have a tendency to openly feel what is outside of them more so than what is inside of them. This can cause empaths to ignore their own needs. In general an empath is non-violent, non-aggressive and leans more towards being the peacemaker. Any area filled with disharmony creates an uncomfortable feeling in an empath. If they find themselves in the middle of a confrontation, they will endeavor to settle the situation as quickly as possible, if not avoid it all together. If any harsh words are expressed in defending themselves, they will likely resent their lack of self-control, and have a preference to peacefully resolve the problem quickly.

    Empaths are sensitive to TV, videos, movies, news and broadcasts. Violence or emotional dramas depicting shocking scenes of physical or emotional pain inflicted on adults, children or animals can bring an empath easily to tears. At times, they may feel physically ill or choke back the tears. Some empaths will struggle to comprehend any such cruelty, and will have grave difficulty in expressing themselves in the face of another's ignorance, closed-mindedness and obvious lack of compassion. They simply cannot justify the suffering they feel and see.

    People of all walks of life and animals are attracted to the warmth and genuine compassion of empaths. Regardless of whether others are aware of one being empathic, people are drawn to them as a metal object is to a magnet! They are like beacons of light.

    Even complete strangers find it easy to talk to empaths about the most personal things, and before they know it, they have poured out their hearts and souls without intending to do so consciously. It is as though on a sub-conscious level that person knows instinctively that empaths would listen with compassionate understanding.

    Here are the listeners of life. Empaths are often problem solvers, thinkers, and studiers of many things. As far as empaths are concerned, where a problem is, so too is the answer. They often will search until they find one--if only for peace of mind.


May 26, 2009

The Power Of Living In The Now

The Power Of Living In The Now
By Chuck Danes

Living In The Now : You’ve heard it a thousand times. You’ve read about it for years. Most everyone has been exposed to the concept of living only in the present, without giving thought to what has happened in the past or being concerned about what may happen in the future.

As good as this advice is, we as humans can sometimes find it difficult to implement this ever so simplistic principle into our day to day lives. Simple, yes. Easy, no.

In fact, to many it may initially appear to be impossible. The key word in that statement is appear. Until you know how, it will appear impossible. But once you grasp this simple concept, once you are able to make the necessary shift in your thought process, and once you are able to understand how, fully accept why, and begin to learn to implement the awesome power that this principle holds, you’ll soon discover that your life will begin to change in a dramatic and seemingly miraculous way. Mastery of this powerful principle is essential in relation to your ability to change the circumstances that you are now experiencing as your reality.

But how do you get to that point? What steps are necessary to develop the ability to not be concerned with what currently appears to be huge insurmountable obstacles? How is it possible to be able to ignore the experiences that have previously created hardship in various areas of life in the past, and learn to effectively shut off the thoughts of concern that these very things might be repeated in the future?

These are questions asked by many. All valid and all seemingly impossible to master, until you begin to develop an understanding of how the human mind and the universe were created to operate harmoniously to bring about the events, conditions and circumstances that you experience in your day to day life. That understanding, combined with the knowledge of basic and simplistic universal lawsthat determine how and why things happen as they do, will awaken you to new hope and unlimited possibilities.

This understanding will allow you to banish from your mind, the illusions of fear, worry, and guilt, and allow you to begin to replace those counter productive emotions with those that will better serve in bringing about your desired outcomes.

So, how do you do that?

The process must begin, first of all, with developing an understanding of where these emotions and concerns originate from and why we feel certain ways about the various events, conditions, and circumstances that we experience in our day to day lives. To accomplish this, it is necessary to explore the inner workings of the human mind and develop a basic understanding of it’s operation, before you can effectively initiate a plan and begin to consciously make the changes that are necessary which allow you to begin attracting that which you want, and realizing how you have, to this point, been unconsciously attracting those things that you say you don’t want.

Once this basic understanding is mastered, the next step is discovering and developing an understanding of the ever so powerful, unfailing, and unwavering Universal Laws that determine each and every end result and which brings in to being the ultimate outcome of every thought, decision, action, event, and condition that we witness and experience in our day to day lives.

The third step is allowing the understanding of this new knowledge to permeate your innermost being, allowing it truths to become a part of you, which begins the internal process of allowing it to overwrite the self limiting, counter productive, and many times ill given advice that you have absorbed and established as truth to this point.

The fourth and final step is putting your newly acquired knowledge in to daily action and consistently and consciously applying each of the newly discovered principles acquired. The knowledge gained without proper application will be of no use to you. It is through the application of this powerful wisdom that you will begin to experience a life that you previously considered to be out of reach.

You’ll soon discover that the things that you, at one time, found to be a struggle will begin to fall into place with unbelievable ease. The once negative thoughts and emotions that at one point haunted you, will be replaced with feelings of well being, understanding and profoundly empowering deep inner peace. The financial concerns that once haunted you will melt away and be replaced with a sense of assurance. The relationships that once seemed to be difficult or impossible will become effortless, fulfilling and satisfying. The physical health that at one point was a constant concern will almost magically be renewed and you will emanate vitality, happiness, and energy far superior to anything that you have previously experienced.

Will it take effort on your part to come to realize and experience these results? Yes. Will it require discipline to go within and make the changes necessary to begin to experience the things discussed? Absolutely. Will it be necessary to seek out and find the real truth concerning the life that you were destined to experience and created to enjoy? Most definitely.

Regardless of your viewpoint concerning spiritual matters these truths are set, unwavering, unbiased and totally without prejudice. These eternal laws work exactly the same for everyone whether you are young or old, black or white, Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim, Agnostic, or whatever other numerous labels man has contrived to place on the human population. It is these very laws that are responsible for creating the events, conditions, and circumstances that you experience in your day to day life each and every minute of every day, regardless of who, what, or where you are.

Your awareness of them or ignorance to them is of no concellation. You are creating something every minute of every day. With this being true doesn’t it make sense to discover the process that will allow you to begin consciously creating that which you want?

Your newfound wisdom will allow you to begin the ever important process of living in the here and now, which is precisely where you want to be.

To Recap…

*Explore and discover the basic operation of your mind.

*Familiarize yourself the simple and powerful laws of the universe.

*Allow this knowledge to permeate your inner most being.

*Apply daily, the knowledge acquired.

Make the conscious effort to fulfill these steps and Your life will change in a dramatic and powerful way.

“And I say unto you, ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door will be opened unto you. For everyone that asks receives, and he that seeks finds, and to him that knocks it shall be opened” Luke 11; 9-13

“Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them.” Mark 11;24

© Chuck Danes. All rights reserved worldwide

April 28, 2009

The Real Meaning of Life and Human Existence

The Real Meaning of Life and Human Existence

          The human condition is a complex and multifaceted one. Commentary is presented on a few of the most significant aspects.

Formation of Character
          It seems likely personality is formed from a combination of what is innate and from the effects of early influences. Although slight change might occur in later years personality is largely determined within the first decade of life.

          The mind is complex and what creates us, and what drives us, is far from easily understood.

Freedom of the Will
          Maybe we have free will, maybe we don't. The potential rewards are greater and the losses less if we work on the assumption that we do. Similarly a belief in some greater reality or purpose beyond this finite incarnation is favored.

          The most likely scenario is that most of what happens in the material plane is deterministic. Occasionally, spirit is able to influence the micro-quantum level to exercise its will upon the physical.

It is therefore prudent to live purposefully in the pursuit of some predefined goal(s). See Free Will - fact or fallacy?

          Every action changes forever, however slightly, the destiny of the universe. Every experience changes forever, however slightly, the nature of the man.

          Life is finite. Its purpose is the achieve the dual goals of significance and satisfaction. Earthly pleasure is transient, thus it is ultimately insignificant and unsatisfying. True satisfaction comes only from making a (positive) difference to what otherwise might have been.

          Time constantly marches forwards. Whilst we may savour a moment we can never possess it. Human existence, earthly incarnation is finite. Indeed, the earth itself along with the physical universe may also have a finite existence. This existence is either part of some far greater whole, or it is completely without meaning. If it is without meaning then each and every earthly act or achievement is totally futile. If it is part of some greater whole then material acquisition beyond the satisfaction of basic need is nothing more than a distraction at the side of that infinite pathway. Far better to seek growth of the spirit through experience and understanding.

          Notwithstanding the inescapable uncertainty and transience which enshrouds human existence the rational being will still seek satisfaction. True satisfaction , i.e. that which does not die with the relentless passage of time, results not from hedonism, but from the sense of meaningful achievement resulting from living with a purpose.

          The simultaneous existence of various societies with differing values, customs and ethical codes, as well as the differences in accepted values found over time within a single society/culture, supports the hypothesis that good and evil are not absolute but relative concepts. An individual is born, by pure fate, into one of these distinct groups and is generally conditioned by that particular group throughout its early years.

          The more fortunate individual is born into the society best suited to its unique character. Most will find discrepancy between their environment and their ideal. These are faced with the choice of acceptance (consciously or through ignorance), moving to something more suited, seeking to change the existing order or outright rebellion (which carries the risk of potentially negative consequences).

          The rational being will most likely choose to live in the society most suited to its unique character, and furthermore, that once established within that society may seek to exert its influence upon it in order to shape it even closer to its vision of an ideal.

          We can pursue but a single pathway. Choices must be made between competing options and this inevitably means rejecting some potentially hopeful possibilities. Make choices based on reason supported by instinct, and having done so do not regret. Hold the knowledge that the alternative would have been worse and that the best choice was made in the light of circumstances and available knowledge.

          Do not seek change for change's sake, but do not fear change when change represents opportunity for progress and growth. Evaluate risks against potential gains and decide accordingly.

          We are born into unique circumstances and with unique character. The first step to fulfillment is acceptance of these realities and a resolve to make the best of them. Self may change in the light of knowledge and experience, but change should not not be sought for its own sake. Dissatisfaction is unproductive and wasteful of energies that could be used creatively. Being comfortable with the true self, and acceptance of the unalterable circumstances in which it exists, is the basis and essential prerequisite for purposeful growth.

          The pursuit of excellence is a noble one, and indeed the acceptance that one has done enough is tantamount to an admission of redundancy. However the harsh reality is that the the earthly incarnation, the human form, is inevitably imperfect. No single being can ever achieve all that there is to be achieved, not even within the narrowest of domains. This should not prevent individuals from striving to fulfill their full potential, nor from obtaining satisfaction from achievements, however limited these may be on a universal scale.

Right and Wrong
          We are, each of us, individual and unique entities pursuing individual, unique and often conflicting goals.

          But given we can prove nothing beyond our own existence who is to say what is good or evil, right or wrong? In a system without law he who is able is free to express his will in any way he desires, even to the detriment of others unable to resist him. This is the law of the jungle, of mother nature.

          Where we disagree with others' conception of right and wrong I believe we have the right to do so, and we have the right to express our disagreement and our reasons for it and to attempt to persuade others to our point of view. But I do not believe we have the right to force them to change their conception to conform to ours.

          The human spirit is sufficiently complex that it cannot always understand the reasons for its own leanings. But given the impossibility of defining absolute right or wrong and the finiteness of time prolonged self-examination is ultimately pointless. Instead it is better to be loyal to one's instincts whilst retaining sufficient openness to be convinced otherwise in the light of persuasive enough evidence.

          Mankind observed the benefits of society, of cooperation and specialization. In order to encourage maximum cooperation and hence to create maximum benefit he devised and enforced laws.

          We are, each of us, born into an established society with established laws. We are conditioned by that society and by the individual knowledge and experience that we gain. We form a personal conception of right and wrong which is continually modified throughout our experience.

          But laws vary from culture to culture, from society to society and from time to time. Who then is to say what is good or bad law?

          And one justification of laws is to maximize the total welfare enjoyed by members of the society in which they apply, but not necessarily to maximize the total welfare of every individual. Thus there will be those who will have reason to break laws because they believe their welfare will be improved by doing so.

          Breaking the law is effectively taking a gamble, a consideration of the potential gain against the potential loss weighted by the perceived probability of success.

          A single set of laws applies to all members of a society regardless of whether each and every member agrees with them. An individual or group is able, if sufficiently strong and well-resourced, to impose its will upon others. The strength or resources enjoyed by an individual or group have no bearing on its righteousness, whatever meaning, if any, may be attached to righteous. It may be the case that the most righteous view will be shared by the strongest group (in terms of numbers), but it may also be the case that the group enjoying the most privileged position will impose laws designed to protect its status. This is the mechanism by which class systems are perpetuated.

          A society with just laws motivates individuals to contribute more since it guarantees greater freedom to enjoy the fruits of their labours, the more individuals contribute the more society as a whole has to offer its members.

          Laws are created to favor the existence of some ideal, which might be utilitarianism, equality, maximum opportunity, maximum wealth creation Esc etc. However, since these ideals may differ determining that which should be pursued is a purely subjective process.

          Utilitarianism may be defined as the ideal of the greatest good to the greatest number. But it is a hollow and meaningless ideal since the greatest good and the greatest equality are different states. Utilitarianism alone cannot be pursued within a society, instead more concrete ideals must be defined and justified. However, in the absence of absolute right and wrong there will always be competing ideals with legitimate claims to supremacy.

Human Nature
          Individuals generally act to maximize the welfare of the individual, or occasionally of the small group of which it is a part. Apparent selflessness may also be a part of maximizing the welfare of the individual. A fair and equal society is one in which there is less motive for anyone to harm his neighbour. Thus an individual advocating such a society is advocating one in which there is less motive to harm him.

It is for this reason that too much power placed in the hands of any single individual or small group is dangerous.

          Undoubtedly one of the most powerful human motivators is love, the unconditional elevation of the rights and welfare of another to a status equal or superior to that of our own. Most commonly love is felt between a man and a woman or between parent and child and thus may be said to serve the purpose of the survival of the species. It may also be felt for an arbitrary grouping such as nation or religion and thus serves the continuing prosperity of that grouping. This latter example is surely a distortion of the inherent natural instinct.

          We are all born into unique circumstances. We are all born as unique individuals with unique character(istic)s, strengths and weaknesses. As we are unique so we are not equal.

          We should be treated equally by the law of the society in which we live. We should be treated equally in terms of employment opportunity, if only because equality of consideration maximizes our employer's gain.

          Despite the ideal of an equal society we are all influnced by personal prejudice, rational or otherwise. We have certain stereotypes we feel more positively towards than others. This is neither right nor wrong, it simply is. But we must carry the awareness that our prejudices may ultimately be detrimental to our own quality of existence.

          State intervention that eliminates inequality, in terms of material reward, is as undesirable as the total lack of state intervention that would inevitably result in massive inequality of opportunity.

          Some are born into far more favourable conditions than others. Those that attain material success through hard work or innate talents should have the right to pass the fruits of their achievements to whosoever they choose, most usually their offspring. However, it is undesirable for society to be so far biased against those born into less favourable circumstances that civilisation is likely to collapse as a result of those unfortunates being driven to take arms against their perceived opressors.

          A compromise may be found by designing legal and fiscal systems to limit, but not eliminate inequality. We should all be guaranteed a dignified minimum standard of living, quality of education, standard of healthcare, protection under the law etc. State benefits should be directed towards those that need them, rather than those that qualify merely by age or any circumstance other than need.

          Those that are most able should be taxed at higher marginal rates than their less fortunate peers. The state should not foot the bill for geriatric care for those who are able, or have descendants who are able, to foot the bill for themselves. The state should maintain the right to take a portion of the estates of those who die, where those estates exceed some threshold.

The Individual, Society and the State
          The state is that central authority which makes and enforced the laws to which a particular society is subject.

          Did it arise to formalize the notion of society and thus protect the resultant benefits of cooperation and division of labour through the
the creation and prosecution of laws? Such a state promotes good citizenship by virtue of both the carrot (rewards of labour) and stick (punishment for criminality).

Or did it arise as a mechanism to consolidate and legitimize the exploitation of the weak by the strong?

Or are its origins a mixture of both, or does it have some other root(s)?

          Individuals are born into a given society and subject to a given set of laws by chance. They may choose to accept the conditions of the society into which they were born, to change the conditions within that society, or to join a different society to which they are more suited.

          The options within the second course might include the building of popular support, the running for office in a democracy, the pursuit of position of influence or, in the extreme, undertaking vile acts in order to put one's point across.

          It is the final option which is labeled terrorism and widely condemned by established regimes. Indeed it is often complete innocents who suffer from its effects. But can we dismiss the desperate acts of the hopelessly oppressed as being pure evil? The more any established regime denigrates, the more it subdues, that to which it is opposed, the further that which is opposed is driven to extreme action.

          It is the greatest challenge to mankind to accept the relativity of morality and to find tolerance and space for those that hold alternative views. It is, perhaps, only those who cannot find this space and tolerance who should face universal condemnation and wrath.

Relationship with Nature
          Mankind possesses by far the superior intellect on planet earth making him unquestionably the dominant species. As such do we have the right to exploit all other life forms for our own ends? Given the relativism of morality is it possible to even attempt to answer this question?

          Nature may be seen as a vast self-supporting system capable of providing for its entire membership. We now stand at a point at which we have the capacity to destroy our very means of sustenance should we choose to do so, but to do so would be unwise since it would imply our own destruction too. As such any exploitation of the earth's resources should be responsible.

          Democracy is supposedly the system of governance of society which is determined by its membership. It should permit an individual to influence its society from within. In practice government is realistically open only to major parties with the means to present their case effectively to the masses. Furthermore there is usually little to choose in practical terms between the electable parties since all are subject to a non-changing establishment.

          In contrast to democracy various forms of unelected dictatorship exist in which power rests with an individual or elite. Such powers may serve a variety of purposes; e.g. self-perpetuation, the good of the masses... To a certain extent these powers too exist only at the will of those they govern since the power of the whole exceeds that of a few, so any alternative which is able to gain sufficient strength of support has the capacity to itself become government.

          Human nature is such that the individual tends to feel loyalty towards the groups of which it is a member, be they family, neighbourhood, company, political allegiance, country, race etc. I make a distinction between those groups which one positively chooses to join (such as political party), and those over which one has no control. And in the second category I distinguish between those of which the individual has a direct, personal intimacy with (e.g. family) and those more distant (e.g. country).

          It is the final category which I find hardest to comprehend since I feel no allegiance to my country whatsoever. National boundaries are man-made, and while different countries and their corresponding nationalities have distinct characteristics it is pure chance as to whether an individual born into a particular country would feel an affinity with its national characteristics.

          Perhaps the widespread phenomena of patriotism is evidence for character being formed by one's environment rather than being innate. But I do not believe patriotism is a universally felt emotion and neither do I believe it is a constructive one. At its worst patriotism denigrates those of other nationalities and races and may even lead to international/interracial conflicts. At best it limits one's thinking to an artificially restricted domain.

          War is the state in which two groups are openly aggressive to each other. The groups may be national, religious, political etc. Wars are characterized by large numbers fighting for a common objective and encouraged or forced to do so by a far smaller leadership.

          Do all those engaged in war believe sincerely in the cause for which they fight? Or do they fight as a result of ignorance exploited by insidious indoctrination?

          Is war one of the worse outcomes of too much power residing in the hands of too few? Is war the result of a rogue group seeking to oppress others? Or, given the impossibility of defining right and wrong, is it the ultimate, and sometimes inevitable, means of conflict resolution?

          War exacts a terrible cost from its participants, both victors and vanquished. A comprehensive and unbiased (if such a thing is possible) education for all is a major disincentive to war since it provides its recipients with the tools to question.

          By what right may individuals stake a claim to ownership of the earth's resources? Effort is rewarded by the right to enjoy resources and this is not disputed for were it not so there would be little or no incentive to make effort. The question is more concerned with claims to ownership of the earth itself, i.e. of land.

          Modern history is dominated by two major competing socio-political ideologies, namely capitalism and socialism. The former is driven by market economics underpinned by distinct ownership of land, the latter considers land to be the shared property of all and advocates the need for an all-powerful and benevolent state. Undoubtedly the former has been the more successful at wealth creation, but at the cost of greater inequality and real or perceived injustice with the result of a lessened quality of life due to crime and disregard for the welfare of others. It is highly debatable as to how much additional wealth, above and beyond necessity, adds to the more subjective measure that is quality of life.

          Individuals vary in strength, ability and willingness to contribute. It follows that the rewards enjoyed by individuals will also vary, as will the levels of such rewards passed down to their descendants. But how did land come to be owned? Because some of our far distant ancestors were better at fighting for territory, or at taming nature in its raw, or were sufficiently subservient to the right masters. Whatever the reason it is now lost in the mists of time leaving a status quo in which the right to acquire a piece of the earth comes at a very high cost, and the legitimacy of those from which it must be acquired is highly questionable.

          Throughout its existence mankind has felt the need to seek and identify with an unseen superior power, which may be labeled God. Some claim direct experience of such power. Whether God actually exists, and if so what its nature is are unanswerable questions, except to those claiming direct experience. However, the concept of God undeniably exists.

          Numerous religions exist based upon the teachings of various prophets and enlightened ones. Undeniably religions have been abused by men as a means of control over their followers.

          It is however interesting to note the commonality to be found among independent and individually developed religions which implies that they may indeed be attempts at describing a central underlying truth.


April 25, 2009

The Healing Power of Lightworkers

      Lightworkers are those who volunteered, before birth, to help the planet and its population heal from the effects of fear.

      Each lightworker is here for a sacred purpose. Very often, however, life on earth with its material focus creates a form of amnesia in lightworkers.

      They then forget their divine and perfect identities, and also their abilities to miraculously help the earth and all living creatures.

     When lightworkers forget their true identity and purpose, they feel lost and afraid.

     Your are a lightworker if you: feel called to heal others; want to resolve the world's social and environmental problems; believe that spiritual methods can heal any situation; have had mystical experiences, such as psychic premonitions or angelic encounters; have endured harsh life experiences that eroded the knowledge of your Divine perfection; want to heal your own life as a first step in healing the world;
feel compelled to write, teach, or counsel about your healing experiences, or feel a sense of time urgency to fulfill your mission before you know that you are here for a higher purpose, or even if you are unsure what it is or how to fulfill it.

     Everywhere on the planet right now, lightworkers are awakening to faint memories about why they came to earth. They hear an inner calling that can't be ignored. This call is a reminder that it is now time to stop toying with material dreams, and get to work.

     Many lightworkers are discovering innate spiritual gifts, such as psychic communication skills and spiritual healing abilities. These are the gifts that we volunteered to use to heal the earth and her population during the crucial decades surrounding the millennium.

     Prophecies predicted our coming, and now it is time for us to fulfill our Divine purposes. The world depends upon us

     We who are lightworkers don't necessarily need to add anything to ourselves to prepare for our mission. We already have innate abilities, even if they are presently dormant. Instead, we need to work on releasing fears which keep us from feeling confident in our lightworker abilities. When you remind yourself that your power as a lightworker comes from your higher self and God (not from "you") you automatically feel more assured of your abilities as a spiritual healer.

     With our focused intent, thought, and spirit, we can heal anything. There are no limits, except those we place upon our healing abilities.

     We definitely can heal the earth with our spiritual approach. 

     In fact, scientists have recently demonstrated that people can change water and air temperature and also cloud structures, purely through their thoughts. Researchers have known for years that prayer positively affects plants and animals. These studies reveal something that many lightworkers have already known: our collective prayers and healing thoughts can avert prophecies of world trauma.

     There is only one spirit and one mind, and we are all part of this collective intelligence and love. Miraculous results in scientific laboratories are demonstrating the factual basis of the oneness of all life. Not long ago, U.S. and Japanese scientists hooked-up test subjects to blood pressure and heart monitor machines. Simultaneously, in separate and sealed rooms, other test subjects were asked to think loving or angry thoughts about the people hooked-up to the machines. At the exact instant when a subject held a loving thought, the monitored person's blood pressure and heart rate significantly dropped. And then, at the precise moment when an angry thought was projected, the person's vital signs skyrocketed upward.

We who are lightworkers are already aware of the power of our thoughts.

     What we are continuing to learn, however, is that our thoughts are even more powerful than we suspected! A large part of our lightworker function, then, is to continuously monitor our own thoughts to ensure that they are from a high and loving plane. When we occasionally slip into fearful or judgmental thoughts, we can release these thought forms to the angels who surround us, knowing that these spiritual companions want to help us fulfill our sacred purpose.

      If your intuition is urging you toward a healing function, you can be sure that this is a Divine voice and not just wishful thinking. In recent years, a spiritual call has been broadcast—like a psychic "help wanted" ad—asking for lightworkers to awaken to their healing roles. Those who have heard the call sometimes contact me, asking for reassurance that this inner voice isn't setting them up for disappointment or possible failure.

     I can certainly understand this fear, since I experienced it myself. When I was a young mother of two and an uneducated housewife, I began having spontaneous visions in which I saw myself as a healer and author. These visions frightened me, because I didn't think that I had the time, money, or intelligence to succeed. So I began overeating to silence the inner voice and visions. I didn't feel ready or qualified to awaken to my mission. 

     What I was doing was the equivalent of pushing the "snooze button" on my spiritual alarm clock. Overeating was my way of delaying God's plan for me, because food would temporarily drown out the sound and sight of my Divine life plan. I gained nearly 50 pounds before I finally surrendered to the Creator and asked for help in making my inner vision a reality. I discovered that as soon as I committed to following my life purpose, doors opened up for me in succession. In miraculous ways that I could never have planned for, everything in my visions became a reality.

We cannot fail when we accept the mission we chose for ourselves prior to incarnation.

     The power and intelligence of the One mind makes no mistakes. We would not have been assigned our lightworker role, were we not perfectly qualified. Since we are made in the image and likeness of One who is all-knowing, all-loving, and able to heal anything, we can relax in the sure knowledge that we were born to heal.

source: http://www.angeltherapy.com

March 19, 2009

Civilization's Cornerstone: Kindness

Civilization's Cornerstone: Kindness
by Alistair McAlpine, Kate Dixey

Healing Heart

     Kindness is the fuel of civilization, politeness and courtesy its etiquette, its formalities, and dignity its aim. Civilization is about responsibility for your own actions, and it is about tolerating other people’s actions. One person trying to accept another’s habits is the essence of civilization. Kindness typically reserved for the home and loved ones can be an attitude encompassing your entire life.Kindness is a gentle, thoughtful, peaceful thing, most effective in its simplicity.

     Most humans have a tendency towards altruism -- it has been proven in all parts of the world that part of the recovery process of disaster victims is altruistic behavior. Lord Byron, the famous nineteenth-century English romantic poet, wrote beautifully of kindness, “The drying up a single tear has more of honest fame than shedding seas of gore.” There is a gentleness to kindness that is noble. Kindness gives you not only strength, but also an inner beauty. The American philosopher and poet, Ralph Waldo Emerson, wrote, “There is no beautifier of complexion, or form, or behavior, like the wish to scatter joy and not pain around us.”Kindness, however, is not just the stuff of poetry and poets; it is also the stuff of sound business sense. You never know to whom you are being kind. Kindness to an unfortunate may result in, and indeed often has turned out, to be repaid 100 times.

     The twentieth-century French writer, André Gide, had a view of kindness, “True kindness presupposes the faculty of imagining as one’s own the suffering and joys of others.” What Gide refers to here is, in fact, sensitivity. If you are to succeed in business, you need sensitivity, and sensitivity can be developed. In fact, “Kindness can become its own motive.”It should be easy to express kindness at work as opportunity abounds with typically large groups of people around you. People who show kindness demonstrate strength of character; it is admired and it is contagious. Importantly, kindness to your colleagues shows that you have confidence in your own ability, and shows that you have strength of character.

     Those around you will notice both of these and admire them. Both of these characteristics, strength of character and confidence, are qualifications for promotion. Admiration is totally different from popularity in the workplace. Bosses prefer to promote those who people admire and are often suspicious of those who are merely popular. Often it is believed that there is an emotional expense in giving kindness. People often avoid giving kindness in the belief that it makes them feel emotionally drained. These people are mistaken.

     The truth is, as we have to learn everything else in life, we must learn about giving kindness. Giving in a truly profound way is wonderful. If you really give profoundly, you will feel it in your heart and you will see it reflected in the people around you.“We are made kind by being kind,” wrote Eric Hoffer, the American social philosopher in the 1950s. And in the first century A.D., Publius Syrus, a Roman slave and mime, knew what some biologists and social scientists claim now to have proven, “You can accomplish by kindness what you cannot do by force.” Kindness requires patience, an appreciation of the importance of others, a certain diplomacy.

     Compassion and kindness may sound sentimental but they actually lead to a deeper connection and rapport that create trust, a friendly atmosphere, compassion, and most importantly for business, an enjoyable synchronicity and harmony in the working environment. The people who are able to create such an environment and display these qualities are people who others trust to become a leader in the business world and the community.Leadership evolves out of expertise, ambition and luck, but true inspiration comes with a willingness to connect your own vulnerability with somebody else’s. So do not pass up the opportunity to remain silent and caring if the need arises. This so-called “soft” management approach is the ability to make yourself open and sensitive to others’ feelings. It takes courage to be quiet and listen to someone else’s discomfort. This can feel strange within a working framework, but actually it forms a greater professional respect.

     The art of kindness is not just approaching a market challenge, but meeting the needs of each individual to find a resolution.Kindness to those around you is important, but perhaps more important is kindness to yourself, the most difficult form of kindness to practice. Reward not only your success but also your effort. Kindness to yourself helps deal with rejection. You may get disheartened, and self-kindness alleviates frustration brought on by an initial lack of success. Often, other people do not want you to succeed, so self-kindness is not only important, it is necessary.

You cannot get it from others.

Kindness to those who fail wins appreciation.
Kindness to those who win when you fail brings respect.
Kindness is a building block of a happy life.
Kindness is born in consideration and love.

     Teach yourself to be considerate, mostly in small matters, and consideration for others in big matters will become second nature.In relationships of all natures, it is well worth remembering that your perspective of other people will change with the differing situations in which you find yourself. The memory of a life is made up of many small incidents. Even large incidents are made up of small incidents, some details well remembered, some half remembered; some, in the nature of folklore, are distorted fact and embellished fantasy -- details invented that for you have become facts. These incidents, as the dots that comprise a photograph, are the picture of your life and become a complete memory.

     When the circumstances of your life change, the pre-eminencies of these small dots rearrange themselves and the picture of your life alters. Your attitude and perception change to issues and people. In extreme cases, heroes become villains and vice versa. In truth, however, they have not changed; merely how you see them has changed.Kindness must always be meaningful. When you are pivoting in your life, it is easy to be confused about meaningful kindness. Just being lovely to everyone is no solution. Rather, as always, kindness must be carefully considered, directed with as full knowledge of the facts as possible. Haphazard kindness, as exemplified by the comedy routine of the boy scout who took an unwilling old lady far out of her way across a busy road to earn “a good deed for the day,” can only cause confusion and distress.

     As Thomas Fuller, an African slave and mathematician, wrote in 1732, “Unreasonable kindness gets no thanks.”Kindness has its own rewards, for those who have succeeded in developing their instincts and sensitivity can physically experience the sensation of their own kindness around the area of their heart. The sensation is so memorable that it is astonishing. Yet we fear and resist that sensation, perhaps because we simply think that it will feel so good and then disappear, leaving us sad and disappointed, unhappy that this memorable feeling could come and go so easily.

As a sensation, kindness may frighten people.
They are scared because they do not trust
kindness in themselves or others.

These people believe that there must be
"a catch" in being kind.

For them kindness is associated with weakness and brutal honesty,
which they regard as an admirable quality but is actually unkindness.

     Often these people see themselves as “saying what they think.” More often, they do not take the simple precaution of thinking before their victims hear what they have to say. These types of people believe that you are being kind to them only because you want something from them. They are sad people trapped in a sad suspicious world incapable of coming to terms with even the first building block in the construction of happiness.Conversely, kindness quite often comes from a totally unexpected source, a person who you do not know well, and certainly did not expect to be kind to you. Even a total stranger can make an act of kindness to you spontaneously, just because they felt like giving more than was required. How wonderful you feel when a total stranger is kind to you; conversely, how wonderful you feel when you are kind to a total stranger. It is an amazing moment, sparked perhaps by an action that can be so small as to pass for good manners. The scale of the kindness does not matter. Kindness has a disproportionate effect on the well being of both the giver and the recipient.

     Samuel Johnson, the eighteenth-century English writer and thinker, is quoted in Boswell’s Life of Samuel Johnson in 1781 as speaking well of spontaneous kindness. “Always set a high value on spontaneous kindness. He whose inclination prompts him to cultivate your friendship of his own accord will love you more than one whom you have been at pains to attach to you.”Learn to enjoy receiving kindness, learn to enjoy being thanked. It will make the giver of the thanks glow and it may produce a second or two of shyness, so intimate that it will touch the other person deep down inside.

Enjoy the acts of giving and receiving,
for they are moments of true beauty.

The least expected these moments are,
the greater their beauty.

     How strange it is that we so often receive kindness from the most unexpected sources and unkindness from those who we would most expect to be kind. Kindness over time, however, accumulates into a pile in our psyche and helps us come to terms with times when people are rude or unkind.Kindness is fundamentally different from a desire to please, which is a deferential activity. Kindness is an instinct, mutual to two people. An instinct evolved in one returned by another in equal measure. Kindness is without doubt at least a layer of building blocks in the construction of happiness. Kindness and how you deal with others are closely intertwined.

Do not make that smart remark
that is devastating to the ego of others,
forget it, put it out of your mind.

      Even to think of hurtful remarks colors your attitude to others and leaves a stain on your own spirit. Put aside the jibe that leaves even the smallest scar on your relationship with others. Avoid that verbal passage of arms, as the argument that often leads to sensuality is not to be confused with the path to happiness.

     Needless to say, it is a lot easier to be kind to someone who is kind to you, than to a person who is unkind to you.

Kindness is not an abstract quality.

To promise kindness and not to fulfill that promise
is one of the surest ways to damage a relationship.

     Trust is suspended by such an action; you are left with a question mark over you in the mind of other people. Misused kindness, such as giving to take, is again an action that will break down trust, which is a basis for a satisfactory relationship. As Juvenal, a Roman satirist, wrote around the year 100, “Nature, in giving tears to man, confessed that he had a tender heart; this is our noblest quality.” There are no dangers in kindness. People say to each other that you can be too kind, but this is untrue.

     There is no downside to kindness; you cannot lose through practicing kindness. By being kind you show strength and attract people. People will want to work with you. They will think of you as being fair and confident. Other people will know that because you are kind you are not likely to make judgments based on petty biases and the prejudices of other people. Other people who you work with will know that you are your own person and in their confidence you will find encouragement and feel better about yourself. Even if your kindness is rebuffed and not reciprocated, however shabby the treatment you receive in return, your own kindness will fortify your spirit, enhance your life, and lead you towards happiness. You can never be too kind. Kindness is not a sign of weakness.

As Franklin D. Roosevelt said in a radio address on October 13, 1940,

“Human kindness has never weakened the stamina
or softened the fiber of a free people.

A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.”

March 03, 2009

Sweetening a Sour Apple

Sweetening a Sour Apple


When A Bad Apple Spoils the Bunch

      Because life requires that we interact with different personalities, it is not uncommon for us to encounter a situation where there is one person whose behavior may negatively impact the experiences of others. Someone who is loud and crass can interrupt the serenity of those who come together to practice peace. A disruptive worker can cause rules to be imposed that affect their colleagues’ professional lives. A team member who is pessimistic or highly critical may destroy the morale of their fellow members. And one “bad apple” in your personal life can be a potent distraction that makes it difficult to focus on the blessings you’ve been given and the people who love you.

      There may always be people in your life who take it upon themselves to create disruption, foster chaos, stamp out hope, and act as if they are above reproach “ even when, in doing so, they put a blight on their own experiences. But you don’t need to allow their negativity and callousness to sour your good mood. Often, our first impulse upon coming head-to-head with a bad apple is to express our anger and frustration in no uncertain terms. However, bad apples only have the power to turn our lives sour if we let them.

      If you can exercise patience and choose not to respond to their words or actions, you will significantly limit the effect they are able to have on you and your environment. You can also attempt to encourage a bad apple to change their behavior by letting your good behavior stand as an example. If your bad apple is simply hoping to attract notice, they may come to realize that receiving positive attention is much more satisfying than making a negative impression. While you may be tempted to simply disassociate yourself entirely from a bad apple, consider why they might be inclined to cause disturbances. Understanding their motivation can help you see that bad apples are not necessarily bad people.

      Though bad apples are a fact of life, minimizing the impact you allow them to have upon you is empowering because you are not letting anyone else affect the quality of your experiences. You may discover that buried at the very heart of a bad apple is a seed of goodness.


By:   K. Sarnac,


February 01, 2009

Coming Full Circle

Coming Full Circle
Lisa Renee

      Right now is a moment in time where our human evolution has reached unchartered territory. With the vibrational choices being made at this time, ( see last month’s article) razor thin discernment of personal resonance is more enhanced than ever before. The multidimensional timeline and future direction of our consciousness is standing at a critical mass and directly based upon the energetic signature and resonance being held. This is activating a level of completion in many ways that have previously influenced our experience of ourselves as a human consciousness.

      As a consciousness of a species called “human beings” we experience ourselves as an “idea” that we have had, a dream that we have had in order to experience what we believe it is to be a human being. This happens at every level of the hologram, at a personal and collective consciousness level. This is very much like understanding the nature of programming, it is a series of belief systems, values and archetypes that define an identity.

Questioning Group Identity

      Similarly that group holographic identity is what defines the nature of the group holographic reality experience. It is this personal and group identity that we have believed to be the experiential reality of a human being as a species. This entire Identity at every level, is being questioned, reassessed and revalued. We are undergoing a series of processes that is like going through every level of our lives with a fine toothed comb. We are checking for inconsistency and incongruency in every pattern of our lives, our ideas of identity and discarding and retooling much of it.

      Similarly it is like describing that we have had influences since our birth on this plane that were like being a train on a “track”. We were being propelled forward through time in a direction that kept us on the “track”. This track was influencing our future probable possibilities, to understand this track of moving forward through the timeline was what is described as an “event horizon”. As a group human consciousness, as we stay on the track together, we influence our future reality into a series of probabilities based upon the energetic resonance and vibrational choices that are being made.

      Now the tracks are being removed and nothing is there, nothing is being used to propel us in a forward momentum. Some may still use the tracks at this time, largely from habitual programming and resistance to change our beliefs. However, many of us are being freed from their connection that used to directly influence our direction. There are still energies/entities that are choosing to manipulate these old tracks in order to maintain the status quo of control by resisting the change of evolution. It does not matter as this is their choice, it does not have to be yours.

Testing Inner Integrity

      This is a necessary phase of our evolution and growth and may result in change or withdrawal from the group activity or a time of personal sequestering. Many of us are in the process of Questioning the Group Identity in every situation that appears in what we perceive as our external “personal” reality.

       As we Question the Group Identity we Test our Inner Integrity and we learn how to sustain our inner connection as the Truth Vibration and develop our personal relationship to the God Source. We test our inner integrity and inner connection against the external values of what is showing up. This is a process of learning how to self source your own inner connection by testing yourself against your external view and verifying it or not with what you feel is your personal resonance.

      Many of us are utilizing this technique at this time and what is important to remember is not to judge the external based on your personal resonance. No thing or no person is good or bad or ugly it just IS. This is a personal test of your inner congruency in self sourcing so that you are not unconsciously using the external to “feed” yourself. This is to understand all things feed on something, and you can choose your personal level of inner sustainability by commanding your inner integrity to the God Source as the Ultimate Authority. No matter what it looks like, or what shows up. As you connect inside yourself, YOU KNOW THE TRUTH no matter how chaotic it may get outside.

      If you are not inner sustained, or self sourced, you will be a vampire to something outside of yourself in order to feed the nature of your reality programming. Or to feed the emotion or identity that has been held rigidly in place as an illusion of security or safety in these uncertain times. (Most of the planet population is in this phase of feeling fear and thus using the personal ego will to control and manipulate their illusion to manifest some idea into a belief of their security)

      Popular manipulation techniques being used now are all polarity thinking: Us vs.Them, Enemy patterning ( there is a terrorist to get you), not that way - but my way is better, ( imposing your will on another) fear of the unknown, nowhere is safe, I know the truth, he/she doesn’t, that person is evil or that person is “good” or whatever else is fabricated from the holographic projection of the personal or group identity. This is all an ego trip of judgment, emotional vampirism and distraction that takes you outside of yourself, instead of being inside of yourself. Every opportunity to distract you from yourself is happening right now so take care to be with your inner sanctum. These activities and thought forms will drain you of your personal power.

      You will experience a myriad of emotion or feeling in these multitudes of resonances. The best use of this experience is as a tool to empower you, however remember nothing external is what it appears to be so do not judge it or create panic. There is no need to be anxious or urgent in order to have to explain yourself by creating any drama around this. Now, there is a plethora of intensified energies, entities and experiences and many of these will test your personal experience about what you know to be true and aligned in your heart. Do not succumb to lower nature by harming yourself with negative thoughts or emotions. Understand what this is and stand in your power by commanding your right to God sovereignty at ALL TIMES. It is the game that is being played out here in this realm, pure and simple.

      Choose your resonance knowing your personal vibration is your sovereign power and right to express your fully creative nature, free from manipulation or control. It is you alone that is responsible to self source your God Power, nothing outside of you can take this away, even though in many cases you are challenged to do so in order to retain your inner integrity.

Completion of Birth Agreement

      Consequently many of us have come to a Full Circle with our birth agreements (Blueprint of our incarnation or spiritual purpose) with this planet and hence this is a time of experiencing completion. Completion and endings of an Identity in the world, including the belief systems, values and images that others have held of who they think you are. Much of these agreements have stemmed from the genetic pattern we have received from the history of our ancestral past, and that which has been encoded in our cells since our birth.

      Our bodies are the sum total of all of our experiences at every level of the time space continuum. The time space continuum exists as a multidimensional platform and includes every potential experience that you can imagine or not. These collective images of “recorded” cellular experiences are coming to a surface review in our consciousness. Some of this is similar to a death review we have had experienced on the Astral plane many times before in between physical incarnation, and so a feeling of “phantom death” energy may be prevalent during this time. The vision of the archetype of the tarot card “Death” is useful to remember as it is being experienced at this time, and means not of a literal physical death in most cases, but a huge inner transformation is present that feels like a death to the old order. Some apathy, sluggishness and sadness can be present when we are dying to the “old order”, as a part of us is grieving the change as a loss. Know that we are being transformed as what follows the “death process” is a new beginning.

      Many of these memory records of the “old order” of the human experience have energized a platform of energetic architecture of false or enslaved human programming and are now being dissolved at radical speeds. We each experience this dissolution in a unique way to our vibrational level and our genetic configuration as this is our unique contribution to the overall pattern of evolution at this time.

      When we understand that every thought, emotion and experience of our ancestors is recorded in our cells (and at the next vibrational level of service to clear this planet), also includes that memory of the collective human soul, we then understand the interconnectedness of All things as One. There can be no separation in this experience as the energetic reality is of One. Our energetic responsibility as a human being is to remember our Unification principle, that we are here together as One. No darkness, shadow or entity is separate from ourselves and cannot be judged as good or bad. It just IS. And it is this understanding how these polarities exist in ourselves and our hologram that actually will free us from its bondage. We will have to face the synthesis of these polarities to reach our entire Unification. It starts with us and ends with us. We cannot point fingers at each other or blame anymore. We cannot rise one onto a pedestal of perfection only to knock them off when they displease you. It is a time of Ultimate Responsibility to Accept our connection unilaterally with All things, whatever has been once deemed, the good, the bad and the ugly.

Embarking a New Platform

      Having come through a full circle of our current birth agreements also means at this time we may experience many closures, endings and completions in all areas of our life to make room for the new. I have experienced seeing the layers of a new reality architecture in place that appears like a new scaffolding of pristine support that allows for the possibility of a new human emotional/heart experience.

      It is akin to seeing an improved foundation being built of which spiritual frequency can be raised in ever higher octaves. If one rung in the ladder is broken, it is very hard to reach the next step of the ladder. This broken ladder was keeping many levels of consciousness in the Astral layers without realizing that was where it was residing. The Astral Plane relates to the 4th Chakra, the heart complex in the human light body. The Astral Plane was compared to one “rung” in the ladder that was very damaged (equating to the relative emotional damage of most human beings) and therefore many beings were stuck in the rungs of the octaves within the Astral Layers. From my experience with the Guardians throughout 2008, I have experienced a huge change underway in the Astral Plane layers of our personal light body as well as that which has impacted the Astral Body of the Planet. This is like an upgrade to the way the human being can process and experience “emotional” intelligence.

      The Astral Plane damage had interfered with this level of the human heart and its emotional bodies ability to experience direct knowingness though the source connection. This astral body reconfiguration is an answer to that issue both at the planetary and personal experience level. It was expressed by the Guardians that it was projected that more beings would heart awaken through the Galactic frequency activations in 2008, and with this astral body upgrade it would support more awakening waves in 2009.

      The journey into Source is a feeling experience, and if we are cut off from the depths of our heart it interferes with our ability to perceive the intuitional feeling of our guidance and connection to our source. The deeper levels of our heart complex open into the gateways of Universal Intelligence and are that which give us the direct cognition of cellular knowingness as our experience of self. This is much different than a “thinking” process that impulses from the mind principle. The heart intelligence is the direct knowingness of the experience rather than a perception coming from an intellectual concept. This is a function of the energy receivers in our human lightbody when it is actually working properly.

      It does appear so close to us now, as if we are soon to phase transition to this level. For some of us this may be an interim phase of growth which will feel much easier. It has been explained from the Guardian perspective that the emotional bodies damage in the mass population of the human lightbody had such intense blockages that it was suppressing the ability of the consciousness to experience itself as a “soul” or connected to its “source”. This new platform is an Astral Body and Emotional Upgrade that will allow the Heart Chakra and its energetic intelligence to be experienced differently. Thus allowing a connection to the soul matrix that allows the first steps of awakening to activate the lightbody.

      Additionally this reconfiguration will not allow the same level of the human emotional body (the level of addiction, and pain body) to be manipulated by entities that have controlled humanity in the same way. This has created an aggression to reassert control mechanisms in the Astral plane recently. For those of us sensitive, such as the planet grid workers or Polarity Integrators, it may have been a tough time. Our group experiences more of this shift than most, and our lightbody becomes a source of attempts to drain or siphon our source.

Update for the Galactic Polarity Integrator

      Those of us working with the energetic architecture of dismantling the old and building the new energy reality systems have been mediating some incredibly intense polarities to synthesize. New galactic energies and the related memory of their timelines have been pouring through the 11th Stargate in the United Kingdom. I referred to this briefly last month and in the ES member community forums as the Nibiruian timeline of “wormwood”.

      As mentioned last month as these energetic memories are reintroduced to our surface grid they hold a theme of “pole shift” (catastrophe) and “invasion” (terrorism) and there is some of this playing out in the mass consciousness. The fear of catastrophe brings up anxiety amplified as we may experience anxiety for no apparent reason, except we have this feeling the other shoe is about to drop without knowing when. Also, the theme of invasion brings up fears that relate to the current terrorism rhetoric and to those unconscious of how this is manipulating their actions, some are the pawn to act out that play in the global theatre. Again this is mentioned to empower your understanding of seeing the macro and micro relationships to the movement of the global human agreement through the entire holographic reality we perceive. Nothing is separate and everything has architecture and pattern. There is no need to buy into these patterns as they will be amplified now by those wishing to sway mass consciousness by fear.

      The grid work has been intense and much soul retrieval and replacement has been necessary to relieve souls, fragments that have been bound to pieces of the planet’s grid and therefore the planet’s lightbody. This is mentioned in previous news about the clearing of sacrificial energy grids made to a perceived “God”, or the human historical holographic record of the wars created in the name of a “God”. One of the main grid projects is to clear the Christ Crucifixion Implant Memory out of the planetary field, by rehabilitating the consciousness that was traumatized from that memory in multiple time space continuums. This is a primary project underway to disentangle and transport these entities and energies to help return them to their source, or merge back into the Galactic Core, the Center Point of All Union.

      Heavy coordinate points that cross into and flood the energy tributaries into the Axiatonal Lines from the 4th and 7th Dimension are being repaired. Since the planetary 7th dimensional axiatonal line is the main disruption of the false christ crucifixion implants this has been a primary repair project. The 7th ray (Violet Flame) is transmitted through the planetary 7th Axiatonal lines and is being recoded. Previously this false crucifixion energy implanted in the 7th Axiatonal line was feeding another false program being used in the Astral plane which was like a mirage. This mirage I have referred to in previous articles is the “False Ascension Matrix” Program. This is why the 4th (astral plane) and the 7th dimensions (violet flame and planetary logos/group mind) are so important in how they intersect and feed the levels of false (enslavement) programming.

      I will add that this is such a major piece that determines the future of the planet’s territorial dispute over controlling human consciousness that aggression has been intensified. Incredible interference, direct psychic attack, holographic inserts and projections have been more aggressive than ever. Generally I see it more directed at this group of Polarity Integrators that interface with the Planet Lightbody Planes and its Grid. As anytime a piece of enslavement or control is being released from the collective consciousness there are groups resisting that are not happy with this change.

      The new technology being used is a type of holographic insert that projects an image to a remote viewer. Many channels and intuitives will scan another beings energy field, many times without permission from the being they are scanning. This is a type of “remote viewing”. Without invitation from the object being scanned, or that they have not addressed you personally for interaction, there is no agreement and this becomes a field intrusion. This breaks the higher sovereign agreement held between the two entities and allows the choice of exercising one’s personal will (superimposition) over the divine will ( pure beingness). It is an act that does not honor the beings freedom and sovereign right to creative expression. What this personal will choice does is allow for “intrusion” and manipulation and triggers a holographic insert that acts as a mirage. When the remote viewer sees the “mirage” it sees an illusion of a program placed there to create a negatively judged experience. Since personal will is about applying judgment, judgment becomes the playing field of manipulation.

       What I am noticing is many of these holographic field inserts happening are on spiritual leaders or group facilitators. As a group it may empower us to be aware of these potentials, ( holographic inserts) as this is an aggressive tactic to employ a last ditch effort to thwart us from our collaborative group impact. Conquer and Divide is the main agenda to keep separation consciousness alive. If spiritual leaders or facilitators become competitive, judgmental with each other or publically diss another spiritual leader, use this as a benchmark to put your own ego in check. Perceived power over others is an extremely slippery pitfall of the ego consciousness. There is never any excuse to put down any being ever, as each and every one of us is here to provide a specific niche and unique frequency to collaborate into the whole of creation. It is each and every beings responsibility to decide their own personal pathway of resonance and not rely or depend on any outside source through attachment. Discernment over judgment, preference over attachment and self sourcing your inner sustenance is a huge path of mastery at this time. Walk the tightrope carefully however be kind in every way you can. The current adversity can pound us out of our kindness towards our self and others, and it is a time where kindness and compassion are the most needed.

      At the time of our monthly Q & A Class (December 17th) I will answer any questions around this to bring more clarity if this is resonant as a part of your planetary service at this time. Naturally this is not everyone’s role here, however there is a group of us that work together to perform group planet grid repair projects.

Stay in the luminosity of your heart and soul path! We are here as One!

Love, Lisa


January 23, 2009


by Celia Fenn

January ....
      Barack Obama "arrives" as President of the USA...a time of Deep and Profound Change for our Planet on many levels....the 20th of January, was a big day for the people of the United States. Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States ( and I will resist the temptation to wax lyrical about the numerology of that one), the first African American President.

      I think it was a celebration that belonged entirely to the people of the USA, giving them an opportunity to really welcome and experience the first real stirrings of the deep and profound change that is taking place on the planet right now.

Welcome to 2009...
      and yes....we are facing some Challenges as the Illusions begin to Crumble..... Welcome to the first Earth Log of 2009! It promises to be a very "light-filled" year, with many deep and fundamental changes in the way that we think. And that means all of us, not just the "unenlightened" ones out there, but us too. We are all being forced to examine how and what we think and feel, as many long cherished illusions begin to hit the wall....at speed! Melt Down!

      This is not a process to be feared, it is, as the Michael channel noted, the precursors to our Freedom and Liberty on Planet Earth. We are freeing ourselves to experience the Beauty and Joy of the "Hologram" as we choose, and not as someone else dictates to us for our "good".

      What makes my heart sing right now, is that people are truly waking up to how the holographic reality of the Higher Dimensions and the Law of One works. Cosmic Harmony and Beauty in a Field of Light. Choices. Responsible Choices. Love. Here is an extract from a letter that I received from Jennifer in the USA:

      "I thought about this Earth, which has been in existence long before we arrived and how we then decided to carve it up, place borders and boundaries here and there. Once again I wonder “why?” Why have we tried so hard to place fences between us and take this piece as “mine”. I wonder if one day we can look at this Earth, this Life, this Energy, this Source, this Light, this Love, this Power, this Divinity, this Existence, this Consciousness and see it all as One, as Us and celebrate in the shared evolution of consciousness, of which we have all been part, of which we are all aware at our core. Is this the next step for us? As we all start to become more aware of who we really are, as we sense more of our Divine Spirit and Light and Power, as we start to question some of our long held beliefs and relax, we will notice our fields of awareness expand and we will see a different reality, through our Spiritual eyes. It is happening now.

      Have you noticed flickering light out the corner of your eye? Have you seen shimmering light on the walls but thought you were imaging it? Do you sometimes see light around people, as if they are glowing, radiant? Do you look across the ocean and see light dancing across the water? Are you becoming more aware of your own Being, your own Truth, who you are and why you are here in the bigger scheme of things? These are indeed times of beautiful Golden Light and we are Beings of Light. As we notice messages coming to us through books and movies and conversations, our fields of awareness expand. I watched Kung-Fu Panda again a few days ago and smiled as the wise Turtle said to Shifu “Let go of the Illusion of Control”. My jaw dropped the first time I heard it as I had been pondering over this idea that our reality is an illusion, just a hologram, a projection of the mind. The movie also says there is no secret ingredient in life, something is special because we BELIEVE it is special. As we all start to Believe in Truth and our own Light and our Divine Essence and our Creativity and Love and our Power to manifest we will See the magic and miracles that abound in life, we will see a New Reality. We will Believe Existence is Special and See it is so. "

      Wow Jennifer....yes indeed.....life is magic and miraculous when we see how we spin out the "dream" from our consciousness, and how we can create the Joy and Love in that Consciousness when we understand the "shared evolution of consciouseness".

      I also think that what is significant is Jennifer's desire to "question some of our long held beliefs and relax".....and allow the process to unfold as it will.

      I have noticed among Lightworkers in the last year, and especially now, a kind of low level hysteria, where, desperate for external manifestations of Change, they latch onto events, dates and hopes for number popping miracles. When we reach this particular date there will be a "great" event and everyone will reach the promised land, or at least those who are specifically chosen. The Spaceships will land, money will be handed out, and everything will be wonderful. This builds up a tension of expectation that creates exhaustion, and yes, disillusionment.There is no doubt that there are important cycles and events, and there are moments of numerological significance and change, but they are now being abused and manufactured at alarming speed.

      There is also no doubt that we are being assisted and guided from the Higher Dimensions at all times, but in a way that empowers us to empower ourselves as the co-creators on earth. But, we are now creating a kind of Spiritual TV culture where the "sensation" of the day or month is the next moment that fits into someone's timeline for a world shattering event. And what results is that what should be a quiet and beautiful process of the unfolding of Higher Consciousness in our lives becomes a desperate gallop from one "event" to another. There is no doubt for me, that the Solstice of 21st December was significant, as Michael noted, for the introduction of a Higher Level of Light Consciousness. And Higher Consciousness is Peaceful, Gentle and Loving. It is Calm and Accepting and knows that All is in Divine Order at All Times!

So, I have also been getting letters like this one from a woman in the Netherlands"

      "I thought that change were coming to me to let go old patterns because on 21 ste of december the gate is openend ,but my body is so tired again , I feel like a old woman with not much energy to live, and in your channels I read whats happening in energy and all the emotional aspects of that I can feel for the whole collective.How must I deal with all of this feelings in me that not only are my emotions.It s so heavy for me that its difficult to feel the Light. My Heartdesire is to feel free from all of these feelings from others and to feel the real me to live in Love and peace and happines,and my heart will go on and on to make all One ".

      Yes indeed, many feel this way. My advice would be, rest, relax, see some good friends, have some fun, get some exercise, and start to see the miracles in your own every day life. Start to enjoy your own every day life...gently and in peace.

      The "real you" is a Collective Being, yes indeed, you will feel the energy of the Collective because we are One. But, as Lightworkers, we can contribute to that Collective Energy by remaining Calm and Peaceful and entering into that Light with Peace and Joy. Read Jennifer's paragraph above again!

      So, as the year begins, excuse me while I go and relax and enjoy these lazy days of summer as the New Year begins to unfold here in South Africa!

JANUARY 2009 - by: by Celia Fenn
Entire article at: http://www.starchildglobal.com