June 30, 2008

Journey Of The Soul


Journey Of The Soul

We come together as always from the consciousness of Oneness. We come together not as separate entities from different places, but as the consciousness of the one entity of the soul expressing, sharing, and being the totality of that consciousness. This is not an easy perception for the world of duality to comprehend, but it is the foundation and is the truth of the existence of the soul.

It is the foundation and is the truth that the soul yearns to discover and that all souls in their individually created and constructed manner search for moment by moment, event by event, thought by thought, action by action

It is possible for the soul to discover its true self as there is a blending of consciousness, blending of that which is the assumed consciousness externally of the worldly patterns of existence, blending that outer consciousness with the emerging consciousness that comes from the infinite depths of the soul’s linkage with all of creation and with the Creator. All souls are on a journey. It has been called the journey of the soul and rightly so, for that is the only journey that exists.

All else that is externalized and is given the appearance of being the purpose for one’s existence is but a stopping point, an observation point, an overlook, a scenic vista point to observe, to learn, and to experience in order to truly continue on the eternal journey of the soul

It is important that a soul takes the perspective that is available in order to view the landscape of life’s experiences in a manner in which there is not the segmentation and departmentalization of activities and events, but there is the homogeneous blending of all that is observed and experienced into a common pattern of unfolding in consciousness, pulling from each experience that which is the essence of the interaction that calls forth the perfected quality of an attribute of the soul which is the purpose the particular event occurred in the first place

It is important to see that the journey is one of constructed step by step evolution of consciousness and that each stop along the way, or each bend in the track of the journey provides an experience and an interaction with the world of attachment, the world of physical, emotional and mental interactions that call forth and demand from the soul to be seen from the perspective of soul consciousness

As observations and interactions are made along the journey and there is then an involvement in and attachment to or an absorption by the particular event or observation, then it is like taking a sidetrack. It is like taking a detour which certainly for the moment appears to be interesting and appears to have certain substance and reality, but as the sidetrack or detour is taken, it is seen that the ultimate satisfaction from that sidetrack or detour comes from realizing the interaction of the perfection of the soul, of realizing the attribute of the soul that is being called upon to be consciously realized.

It is the fulfillment of that realization that becomes the ultimate purpose for having taken a particular sidetrack or detour

Consider the life pattern of a soul in the earthly experience...

* There are emotional interactions -
* There are ego driven success patterns that are followed-
* There are patterns of emotional behavior that call upon satisfying both the emotional and physical desires-
* There are the intellectual pursuits that seem to be so important in terms of coming into an understanding of the mechanisms and philosophies of the worldly way-

If you look at each of these detours very carefully and observe from an inner intuitive perspective what is really occurring on each of these varied detours, it will be seen that there is at the core of all activity, an ego driven response that is being generated that creates the illusion of separateness, that creates the illusion of importance. And that creates the illusion of a reality that can be sustained within the experience pattern of the soul.

As a soul approaches the completion of a current life cycle there is often a realization that so much of what has been accomplished from the worldly perspective, so much of what has been realized from the various detours and sidetracks that have been taken and from the various experiences that have occurred, so much is of little sustaining value other than that these various activities along the journey of the soul have indeed evoked and brought forth not only the desire for discovering the eternal nature of the soul, but in fact call forth the manifestation of the Attributes of the Soul. There is a sense of peace, a sense of harmony, a sense of beauty, a sense of recognizing the internal infinite mightiness of the Creator that is part of and in fact the very core of the existence of the soul.

There are many patterns which unfold and in each instance the pattern is always leading toward the evolution of consciousness of the soul realizing its true identity and discarding the outer assumed identity

So the journey of the soul is a most beautiful concept to observe, to internalize, to understand and to know of its progression as the soul goes step by step through the experiences of the life pattern recognizing that each experience is not an end in itself, but is an integrated pattern that is part of the whole, that connects with all other patterns that are being expressed by the soul, and have only one purpose which is to call forth the unity of consciousness, the consciousness of Oneness, the consciousness of the eternal reality of who and why the soul is

Observe the journey carefully. Integrate the understanding that is suggested into each and every experience and know the truth of why you are.

Know the truth of the journey and embark upon the final stage of the journey which is a reunion, the merging with, the coming into the fullness of the consciousness of the soul as One with all creation

The journey of the soul began with an idea, with a thought, with a projection of consciousness from the very center of all creation. The soul became a packet of energized Love and Light that has been extended into the vastness of the created universe. The soul has the journey to complete, returning to that very center. The consciousness of the soul is the reality, the realizing of that consciousness is the purpose.

The achieving of the total unity of consciousness with the Creator is the goal, nothing else exists

I embrace you in the Love and Light of the Creator-
I embrace you from the depths of the consciousness-
of who you are for we are One-

We are you-
I AM, the Love, the Light-
and the Life of the universe-

'Lessons from the Soul'

_________ B L E S S I N G S _________

June 26, 2008

Universal Consciousness...in Every Particle of Existence

Universal Consciousness...
in Every Particle of Existence

Creatures in thousands of varieties populate the Universe.

How sad to believe in dirt amidst a garden of dreams. The oscillation of history’s events proves repeatedly that when offered the chance to deceive many will.

Animals as you know them now will no longer remain on Earth if there is not a major diversion from the current course. One day, stories of them will be doubted by the majority of remaining humans as ancient myths of a primitive people.

There are many examples of animals speaking in clear human language. With the Universal Consciousness anything is possible. The eye looking back at you has seen much in many forms and traveled very far.

Some of the dinosaurs died and some moved on. Many never left the astral realms. They are not available to the highest wisdom until they incarnate as mammalians. There is a subset of the species that refuses to make this leap.

Try not to think too hard...
because it will block the remembrance that supercedes such dense gyrations.

OUT THERE is not nearly as vast as IN HERE.

OUT THERE is IN HERE but the reverse is not true.

No filters; no interpretations.

Aware of the ‘I’ and the ‘Super I’, the wanderer sets off in search of dispersion into all things. The connection is the vibration within every particle of Existence.

Your chair can tell you the truth if you coax it hard enough.

Begging for bits we nibble nimbly. Shouting for enlightenment we provoke the lightning to strike our heart. Foolish devils try to beguile with a sly smile. They will meet their own Armageddon on the killing fields of humanity.

..~Christopher Moors

Armageddon of the Mind

Armageddon of the Mind

Though we may see Armageddon in the outer world, the inner condition which brought it on is far more intense. The cosmic tug of war between light and dark is fought inside the mind of humanity and is merely reflected externally.The images on TV of this occurrence may strike fear into our heart, but is it not merely showing us what lurks in our own subconscious?

Angels of Truth have sounded and Demons of Darkness are struggling hard to hold their deceptive ground. Some humans consciously choose to ascend in light, while others grasp tightly to their Denials and shout, “I want it my way!” Heavenly friends may hurt for those who harm themselves, but they should not let it stop them from walking on inspired by Love from/for their Creator.

The winding ‘this and that’ path becomes straight and paved with gold when you realize that the destination is each step and the glow on the horizon is there so you know you are not alone. Flowing through invisible bonds between your Soul, the Sun, the Earth, and the Moon, the Aum melts away barriers, releasing enough starlight to fill the entire Universe. A living constellation, you can write your own mythology.Old ideas fall away and the implications of a crumbling edifice may take a few moments to settle. Pain of loss is fostered by emotional attachment to stagnation.

For awhile we were allowed to believe that things had stopped, but borrowing from our own future, it was intrinsic to the situation that the explosion of pent up energy would inevitably seek its freedom.Suffering is necessary and for awhile it had to be so. When the edges have cut you deeply enough to crack the mental prison and let the long awaited morning arrive, shadows flee, and the frozen places begin to melt, shedding tears to release the frustration. Deep breaths and inner hugs transform the ache to ecstasy and the joy of life becomes awakened, never to be lost again.

Pearly Gates PressArticle:

"What Do You Want?

"What Do You Want?  Where Do You Want to Go?"

"The only Veils which now remain---separating you from that which you fear, or that which seems to elude you--are those you have chosen to keep in place.  If you don't believe this, then you are doubly fortified against awakening from your Dream at this time.  First, you believe in the chains that bind you.  Second, you give over your power to someone else, someone you firmly believe keeps the chains there.  That energy places a DOUBLE LOCK on the door of your cell.

The Earth Plane is no longer a prison, my friends!  It is a now PRISM of diversity and possibility, there at your command.  All you need to get anything you wish is present within you now.  Just wipe away the cobwebs from your mind so you can clearly see the path that is laying itself before you.


And it will come, in time.  It always does.  There is no one left to condemn you.  Those who appear to do so are simply reflections of the condemnations you still hold about yourself.  They are demons, standing guard over a prison door that has no ceiling or walls!  Just step out and you're free.


Go inside yourself.  All the answers are there.  The 3D Worlds continue to exist, and will continue to exist so that you can appreciate and explore the QUESTIONS for as long as you wish.  The life you are living (or rather the LIVES you are living, for there are many) have already come to fruition, somewhere in the Multiverse.  Your current Journey here involves a deep need, on your part, to understand the reasons for all these choices you have made........to understand the very framework of what it means to be human and alive.


So go!  Run away and play!   It's all there for you to enjoy...........the horror, the wonder, the awe, and the awfulness.  Go ahead.  Drink your full cup of living.  Sometimes, you will opt for bitter wine.  Sometimes, you will opt for sweet.  Both Heaven and Hell are there for your instruction, for your amusement.  They are merely slides, placed under the 3D Microscope of Experience.........examined thoroughly, for as long as you desire, and then returned to the archives of All That Is.


The only question, to which you will continually return, is:  "Is this still what I want?"  And instantly, with the asking (if it is sincere and forthright), there will be an automatic adjustment to whatever reality context you currently inhabit..

<From The Reconnections>

BECOMING the Storm...(the Reconnections)

BECOMING the Storm........ (the Reconnections)

If desire causes suffering it may be because we do not desire wisely, or that we are inexpert at obtaining what we desire.

Instead of hiding our heads in a prayer cloth and building walls against temptation,
why not get better at fulfilling desire?
Salvation is for the feeble, that's what I think.

I don't want salvation
I want life, all of life .............
I will have tasted the banquet that they have before me on this rich, round planet,
rather than recoiling from it like a toothless bunny.

I cannot believe that the most delicious things were placed here merely to test us to capture the grand prize: the safety of the void.

To fashion of life such a petty game is unworthy
of both men and gods.

~From "Jitterbug Perfume," by Tom Robbins

June 25, 2008

Know how to use your energies

Know How To Use Your Energies

If you read the great Book of Living Nature you will realize that, in order to evolve satisfactorily, it is essential to know exactly where one's energies go, what one spends them on, what use one makes of them. This is just one more area in which human beings do not have the light they need.

They squander their energies frivolously and unthinkingly on whatever takes their fancy. But to live in ignorance of how to use one's energies makes it virually impossible to advance and evolve. We are responsible for our energies; Heaven has not given them to us so that we can waste them, and the use we make of them will be noted on our record. The Book of Living Nature says, "Blessed are those who devote all their physical, emotional and mental energies to working for the good of mankind and for the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness."

A close look at human beings will show you that they are not really aware of all the energy that has been given to them so that they may live. They have no idea how precious it is, how much the Lord values it, where it comes from or what it has cost nature to manufacture it for them. It is in things like this that one sees that man is not very highly evolved, for he wastes his energies on fits of anger, orgies of sensuality and selfish, criminal activities without realizing that, in this way, all that priceless treasure goes to feed forces of Hell. If I told you that it was human beings that nourished the forces of Hell you would be astonished, and yet this is the truth. Out of ignorance, most human beings spend their lives nourishing, sustaining and supporting Hell. They never been told that they are responsible for the way in which they use their energies - and it is not at University that they are going to learn this.

One of the first tasks of a disciple is to become conscious of how he spends his energies, for they have been carefully counted, weighed and measured.

When Heaven sees someone wasting his energies in harmful activities, it shuts off the supply. It says, "That man is dangerous; he has got to be put out of action." Do you know, for example, why some people are drunkards? It is because the Invisible World chose that way to render them harmless. If they were in full possession of their faculties they would use their destructive energies to create havoc in the world, but their abuse of alcohol chloroforms and stupefies them. They are incapable of doing any harm. This is not true in every case, of course; there are all kinds of reasons why people become alcoholics.

You should continually be aware of how you are using your energies, continually ask yourself to what purpose, in what direction you are using them. There is nothing more important than this, for Heaven watches you and sees what you are doing with all that wealth it has entrusted to you, whether you are using it for purely selfish purposes or for a divine purpose. That is the question. If you ask yourself this question lucidly every day, many things within you will improve unbelievably. To be sure, you will not succeed in bringing everything into line from one day to the next, but at least you will learn to be conscious. Never forget that without this consciousness you will continue to be subject to karma.

As long as you have still not consciously taken control of your life and started to synchronize the vibrations of every particle of your being with the vibrations of the divine world, you will be subject to the blind forces of nature. This is the situation of most human beings, because no one has ever shown them the importance of working on their inner life. It is of vital importance to realize that, if you oppose Cosmic Intelligence with a way of life contrary to Its design, you will progressively disintegrate until there is nothing left of you. Perhaps you will exclaim at the cruelty of Cosmic Intelligence in destroying those who reject Its laws, but the truth is that it is not Cosmic Intelligence that destoys people. It has never wished to destroy anyone. But if a man is stupid enough to pit himself against Immensity, the forces opposing him are so powerful that he will, inevitably, be torn to pieces. It is only to be expected. If one puny human being tries to stand up to a whole army, he will soon be wiped out. If an insect batters itself against a window-pane until it knocks itself out, is it the fault of the window? Men behave like insects: they pit their strength against the divine law, against the splendour of the universe... they love a good fight! But they are heading straight for destruction and it will not be God who destroys them, but themselves.

A disciple must seek, first and foremost, to attune himself to Cosmic Intelligence. Every day, he must try to vibrate in harmony with this Immensity, to melt into It, to open himself to It, to let himself be caught up and swept away by It. The only way to do this is by love, for the only way to become one with another being is to love them. This is why Jesus said, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength." God does not need our love, He can get along very well without it. It is we who need to love Him; it is to our advantage. Jesus did not say, "Think of the Lord, unite yourselves to Him, do His will". He simply said, "You shall love the Lord your God", because only those who love each other can be in tune with each other.

And this is what I am saying, also, when I ask you to attune yourselves every day to that Supreme Intelligence, to act in accordance with His will without even knowing exactly what it is. We often do not know what God's will is, but we should always be ready to do it whatever it may be. That is what love is. When you love someone you are always in harmony with him; even before you know what he is going to ask of you, you are ready to trust him and do everything in your power to please him

Amongst all the things I tell you, there are some points that you should think about every day and others that may apply only in certain circumstances. What I am telling you, today, about how you use your energies, is one of the things that you must note down and think about every single day, for I shall not always be there to remind you of it. There are great many things that you can leave to one side, but this is not one of them. Every day, in all the different circumstances in which you find yourself, you are asked to be conscious of how you are using your energies. You can do this wherever you are: in the street, on the but, at the dentist's, in your own kitchen - wherever you are you can glance into yourself and ask yourself, "Let's see, if I do this or that, what is it going to cost me? Ah, I can see that I shall be feeding the swine with all that is most pure and divine in me. No, I'm certainly not going to commit myself in that direction. I don't intend to spend my energies on bringing back the dead." As Jesus said, "Follow me and let the dead bury their own dead."

As you see, it is essential to be clear about the work to which we must devote our energies. I cannot insist too much on this point.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov