September 06, 2007

Solitude &; Dreams

Solitude & Dreams

I walk serenity's path to a place
of inner peace, and quite solitude.

Here in the stillness,
I hear the voice of wisdom.

Here in the stillness,
I feel my spirit soar.

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Yesterday is but a dream - and tomorrow is but a vision, but a today 'well-lived' will make yesterday a dream of happiness... and tomorrow a vision of hope.

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

The outer world
is like a mirror,
Reflecting back...
whatever you give
from within.

Give love...
and the world
Loves you back.

Give peace...
and the world
becomes ...
more peaceful.

Give light...
and the world will be a little

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Jumping Over The Moon

Jumping Over the Moon

Have I ever seen this (or any) illness as an opportunity to grow?
As a challenge to be welcomed for the good that will come from it?

These questions startle my sleepy morning thought. Last night I had the humorous thought of surmounting challenges like the cow jumping over the moon. Just leaving them behind with such a vigorous and buoyant leap of growth that they simply have no more relevance to who I am.

The temptation of course is to feel hemmed in, constrained by the fearful sense of disease, and to begin shaping one's days and one's expectations according to that projection.

But why is that future more real than the
one where I joyfully transcend this fear?

This is not about running away, running away from cancer,
illness, pain, or any other difficulty.

That won't work -
and I know it -
for Sure!

It's About Opening Oneself To The Universe.
It's About Being HUMAN And Ackowledging...
That You Are No Different Than Anyone Else!

No One Is Immune ... No One Is Better Off..!

And Most Of All.... It's No-One's Fault!

It is all about opening one's heart and mind
to the pure love of God that touches and
transforms human thought...


Healing is about standing still in the presence of God and listening to the still small voice utter itself. Listening in quietness and confidence for Love's amazing word.

That kind of prayer brings guidance specific to the human situation.

Then we humans must take the next step.
That step can be a small change in thought
that brings new options into view.

Do Not Give In To Your Faults - Illnesses -and/or Fears.

Sometimes that next step is a great leap forward,
into a future - is unimagined -
and thought of just a few moments before taking the leap.

So Look Ahead - With A Head Held High...
For YOU are on the Right Path To Healing...
And A Wonderful Future !